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麗康香港有限公司 示
2020年 8月 9日
基於原裝耗材公司所申請的專利限制, 如使用本公司代用打印機消耗品, 打印機及電腦上將會出現類似如下的警告訊息:
"警告! 閣下正在使用非原裝耗材, 如繼續使用將帶來負面影響。"
請按一下 "OK" 略過訊息。
聲明: 本公司所銷售的所有代用墨盒及代用碳粉盒絕對符合專利法、國際認可、不會使打印機鎖上、不影響打印機壽命、
Brother EUR LC229XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $334 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J5320DW # Brother MFC-J5620DW # Brother MFC-J5625DW # Brother MFC-J5720DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC225XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $218 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-4120DW # Brother MFC-J4420DW # Brother MFC-J4620DW # Brother MFC-J4625DW # Brother MFC-J5320DW # Brother MFC- J5620DW # Brother MFC-J5625DW # Brother MFC-J5720DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC223 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $213 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-4120DW # Brother MFC-J4420DW # Brother MFC-J4620DW # Brother MFC-J4625DW # Brother MFC-J5320DW # Brother MFC-J5620DW # Brother MFC-J5625DW # Brother MFC-J5720DW # Brother DCP-J562DW # Brother DCP-MFC-J480DW # Brother DCP-MFC-J680DW # Brother DCP-MFC-J880DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC221 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $141 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-4120DW # Brother MFC-J4420DW # Brother MFC-J4620DW # Brother MFC-J4625DW # Brother MFC-J5320DW # Brother MFC-J5620DW # Brother MFC-J5625DW # Brother MFC-J5720DW # Brother DCP-J562DW # Brother DCP-MFC-J480DW # Brother DCP-MFC-J680DW # Brother DCP-MFC-J880DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC22E 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $373 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J5920DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC22U 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $223 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J985DW # Brother MFC-DCP-J785DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3217 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J5330DW # Brother MFC-J5335DW # Brother MFC-J5730DW # Brother MFC-J5930DW # Brother MFC-J6530DW # Brother MFC-J6930DW # Brother MFC-J6935DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3219 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $338 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J5330DW # Brother MFC-J5335DW # Brother MFC-J5730DW # Brother MFC-J5930DW # Brother MFC-J6530DW # Brother MFC-J6930DW # Brother MFC-J6935DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3213 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $166 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J890DW # Brother MFC-J895DW # Brother DCP-J772DW # Brother DCP-J774DW # Brother DCP-J572DW # Brother MFC-J491DW # Brother MFC-J497DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3211 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $147 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J890DW # Brother MFC-J895DW # Brother DCP-J772DW # Brother DCP-J774DW # Brother DCP-J572DW # Brother MFC-J491DW # Brother MFC-J497DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3233 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $246 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-J1100DW # Brother MFC-J1300 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3235 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $394 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-J1100DW # Brother MFC-J1300 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3237 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $436 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother HL-J6000DW # Brother HL-J6100DW # Brother MFC-J5945DW # Brother MFC-J6945DW # Brother MFC-J6947DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC3239 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $696 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother HL-J6000DW # Brother HL-J6100DW # Brother MFC-J5945DW # Brother MFC-J6945DW # Brother MFC-J6947DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC421 LC421XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $221 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-J1050DW # Brother DCP-J1140DW # Brother MFC-J1010DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC422 LC422XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $443 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J5340DW # Brother MFC-J5345DW # Brother MFC-J5740DW # Brother MFC-J6540DW # Brother MFC-J6940DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC424 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $224 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-J1200W # Brother DCP-J1200WE | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC426 LC426XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $438 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J4335DW # Brother MFC-J4340DW # Brother MFC-J4535DW # Brother MFC-J4540DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC427 LC427XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $753 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J5955DW # Brother MFC-J6955DW # Brother MFC-J6957DW # Brother MFC-J6959DW Brother HL-J6010DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC462 LC462XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $228 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J2340DW # Brother MFC-J3540DW # Brother MFC-J3940DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC123 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $217 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-J132W # Brother DCP-J152W # Brother DCP-J552W # Brother DCP-J172W # Brother DCP-J752W # Brother MFC-J870DW # Brother MFC-J650DW # Brother MFC-J470DW # Brother DCP-J4110DW # Brother MFC-J4410DW # Brother MFC-J4510DW # Brother MFC-J4610DW # Brother MFC-J4710DW # Brother MFC-J6920DW # Brother MFC-J6720DW # Brother MFC-J6520DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC125 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $222 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J4410DW # Brother MFC-J4510DW # Brother MFC-J4610DW # Brother MFC-J4710DW # Brother MFC-J6920DW # Brother MFC-J6720DW # Brother MFC-J6520DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC127 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $311 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J4410DW # Brother MFC-J4510DW # Brother MFC-J4610DW # Brother MFC-J4710DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC129 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother MFC-J6920DW # Brother MFC-J6720DW # Brother MFC-J6520DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC12E 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $305 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Brother MFC-J6925DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC227XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $317 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-4120DW # Brother MFC-J4420DW # Brother MFC-J4620DW # Brother MFC-J4625DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother EUR LC121 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $194 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Brother DCP-J132W # Brother DCP-J152W # Brother DCP-J552W # Brother DCP-J172W # Brother DCP-J752W # Brother MFC-J870DW # Brother MFC-J650DW # Brother MFC-J470DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother HK LC161 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $146 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Brother DCP-J152W Brother DCP-J752DW Brother MFC-J245 Brother MFC-J470DW Brother MFC-650DW Brother MFC-J870DW
| 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother HK LC163 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $195 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Brother DCP-J152W # Brother DCP-J752DW # Brother MFC-J245 # Brother MFC-J470DW # Brother MFC-650DW # Brother MFC-J870DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Brother MFC J2320 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1579 | - 4合1:打印 / 掃描 / 影印 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達22ppm(黑白), 20ppm(彩色) - A3彩色打印;有線及無線網絡 - A4自動雙面打印;Google 雲端打印 / Airprint
| 代用耗材: LC669XL BK,LC665XL C/M/Y $88/1pc $280/set *打印張數: 黑色:2400,彩色:1200 |
Brother MFC J2720 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1989 | - 4合1:打印 / 掃描 / 影印 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達22ppm(黑白), 20ppm(彩色) - A3彩色打印;有線及無線網絡 - A4自動雙面打印/掃描/影印/傳真;Google 雲端打印 / Airprint | 代用耗材: LC669XL BK,LC665XL C,LC665XL M,LC665XL Y *打印張數: 黑色:2400,彩色:1200 |
Brother MFC J3520 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2429 | - 4合1:打印 / 影印 / 掃描 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達35頁(黑白),27頁(彩色) - 全雙面功能(打印/ 影印/ 掃描/ 傳真) - A3 打印, 直接相片打印;有線及無線網絡 | 代用耗材: LC569XL BK,LC565XL C,LC565XL M,LC565XL Y *打印張數: 黑色:2400,彩色:1200 |
Brother MFC J3720 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2759 | - 4合1:打印 / 影印 / 掃描 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達22 頁(黑白),20頁(彩色) - 打印解像度:高達 1,200 x 6,000 dpi - 電腦傳真, 自動雙面打印, 有線及無線網絡 | 代用耗材: LC569XL BK,LC565XL C,LC565XL M,LC565XL Y *打印張數: 黑色:2400,彩色:1200 |
Brother MFC L2740DW 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1769 | - 4合1:打印/掃描/影印/傳真 - 打印速度:高達30ppm - 有線及無線網絡、Brother iPrint&Scan, Air Print, Google Cloud Print, Brother App's, Web Connection | 代用耗材: TN-2380 $178/盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2,600頁 |
Brother MFC L2700DW 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1399 | - 4合1:打印 / 掃描 / 影印 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達30ppm - 自動雙面打印 - 有線/無線網絡、Brother iPrint&Scan, Air Print, Google Cloud Print | 代用耗材: TN-2380 - $178/盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2,600頁 |
Brother MFC 9330CDW 多功能彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2549 | - 4合1:打印 / 影印 / 掃描 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達22頁 - 自動雙面打印 - 支援無線及以太網絡功能;Google 雲端打 | 代用耗材: TN-261BK,TN-265C,TN-265M,TN-265Y *打印張數: 高容量黑色2500頁,高容量彩色2200頁 |
Canon LA Latin America PG145 PG145XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2510 # Canon PIXMA MG2410 # Canon PIXMA iP2810 # Canon PIXMA MG2910 # Canon PIXMA MG3010 Canon PIXMA TS3110 # Canon PIXMA TS3310 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon LA Latin America PG140 PG140XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $310 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2110 # Canon PIXMA MG2210 Canon PIXMA MG3110 # Canon PIXMA MG321 # Canon PIXMA MG3510 # Canon PIXMA MG3610 Canon PIXMA MG4110 # Canon PIXMA MG4210 Canon PIXMA MX371 # Canon PIXMA MX391 Canon PIXMA MX431 # Canon PIXMA MX451 # Canon PIXMA MX471 Canon PIXMA MX511 # Canon PIXMA MX521 # Canon PIXMA MX531 Canon PIXMA TS5110 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon US United States 210 210XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $190 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MP230 # Canon PIXMA MP240 # Canon PIXMA MP250 # Canon PIXMA MP270 # Canon PIXMA MP280 # Canon PIXMA MP280w Canon PIXMA MP480 # Canon PIXMA MP490 # Canon PIXMA MP495 # Canon PIXMA MP495 RFB # Canon PIXMA MP499 Canon PIXMA MX320 # Canon PIXMA MX330 # Canon PIXMA MX340 # Canon PIXMA MX340RFB # Canon PIXMA MX350 #Canon PIXMA MX360 Canon PIXMA MX410 # Canon PIXMA MX420 Canon PIXMA iP2700 # Canon PIXMA iP2702 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon US United States 240 240XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $195 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型: Canon PIXMA MG2120 # Canon PIXMA MG2220 # Canon PIXMA MG3120 # Canon PIXMA MG3122 # Canon PIXMA MG3220 # Canon PIXMA MG3222 # Canon PIXMA MG3520 Canon PIXMA MG4120 # Canon PIXMA MG4220 Canon PIXMA MX372 # Canon PIXMA MX392 # Canon PIXMA MX432 # Canon PIXMA MX439 # Canon PIXMA MX452 # Canon PIXMA MX459 # Canon PIXMA MX472 Canon PIXMA MX512 # Canon PIXMA MX522 # Canon PIXMA MX532 Canon PIXMA TS5120 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon LA Latin America PG240 PG240XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2120 # Canon PIXMA MG2220 # Canon PIXMA MG3120 # Canon PIXMA MG3122 # Canon PIXMA MG3220 # Canon PIXMA MG3222 # Canon PIXMA MG3520 Canon PIXMA MG4120 # Canon PIXMA MG4220 Canon PIXMA MX372 # Canon PIXMA MX392 Canon PIXMA MX432 # Canon PIXMA MX439 # Canon PIXMA MX452 # Canon PIXMA MX459 # Canon PIXMA MX472 Canon PIXMA MX512 # Canon PIXMA MX522 # Canon PIXMA MX532 Canon PIXMA TS5120 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon KOR Korea PG945 PG945XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $320 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2890 # Canon PIXMA iP2899 # Canon PIXMA MX499 Canon PIXMA MG2490 # Canon PIXMA MG2590 # Canon PIXMA MG2990 # Canon PIXMA MG3090 # Canon PIXMA MG3095W Canon PIXMA TS3190 # Canon PIXMA TS3195 # Canon PIXMA TS3390 # Canon PIXMA TS3391 # Canon PIXMA TS3392 # Canon PIXMA TS3490 # Canon PIXMA TS3491 # Canon PIXMA TS3492 Canon PIXMA TR4590 # Canon PIXMA TR4595 # Canon PIXMA TR4690 # Canon PIXMA TR4695 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon South Africa PG445 PG445XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $160 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2440 # Canon PIXMA MG2540 # Canon PIXMA 2540S # Canon PIXMA MG2545 # Canon PIXMA MG2545S # Canon PIXMA MG2940 # Canon PIXMA MG3040 # Canon PIXMA Ip2840 Canon PIXMA MX494 Canon PIXMA TS204 # Canon PIXMA TS304 # Canon PIXMA TS3340 # Canon PIXMA TS3440 Canon PIXMA TR4540 # Canon PIXMA TR4640 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon TW Taiwan PG47 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $455 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA E400 # Canon PIXMA E410 # Canon PIXMA E417 Canon PIXMA E460 # Canon PIXMA E470 # Canon PIXMA E477 # Canon PIXMA E480 Canon PIXMA E3170 # Canon PIXMA E3177 # Canon PIXMA E3370 # Canon PIXMA E3470 Canon PIXMA E4270 # Canon PIXMA E4570 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 540 540XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2150 # Canon PIXMA MG2250 # Canon PIXMA MG3150 # Canon PIXMA MG3250 # Canon PIXMA MG3255 Canon PIXMA MG3550 # Canon PIXMA MG3650 # Canon PIXMA MG3650S # Canon PIXMA MG4150 # Canon PIXMA MG4250 Canon PIXMA MX375 # Canon PIXMA MX395 # Canon PIXMA MX435 # Canon PIXMA MX455 # Canon PIXMA MX475 # Canon PIXMA MX515 # Canon PIXMA MX525 # Canon PIXMA MX535 Canon PIXMA TS5150 # Canon PIXMA TS5051 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 510 512 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $248 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA Ip2700 # Canon PIXMA iP2702 Canon PIXMA MP230 # Canon PIXMA MP235 # Canon PIXMA MP240 # Canon PIXMA MP250 # Canon PIXMA MP252 # Canon PIXMA MP260 # Canon PIXMA MP270 # Canon PIXMA MP272 # Canon PIXMA MP280 # Canon PIXMA MP282 Canon PIXMA MP480 # Canon PIXMA MP490 # Canon PIXMA MP492 # Canon PIXMA MP495 # Canon PIXMA MP499 Canon PIXMA MX320 # Canon PIXMA MX330 # Canon PIXMA MX340 # Canon PIXMA MX350 # Canon PIXMA MX360 # Canon PIXMA MX410 # Canon PIXMA MX420 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PG37 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $205 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia 660 661 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $260 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:CANON PIXMA HOME TS5360 # CANON PIXMA HOME TS5365 CANON PIXMA HOME TR5360a # CANON PIXMA HOME TR7060 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia 645 645XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $340 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2560 # Canon PIXMA MG2460 # Canon PIXMA MG2960 # Canon PIXMA MG2965 # Canon PIXMA MG3060 Canon PIXMA MX496 Canon PIXMA TS3160 # Canon PIXMA TS3165 # Canon PIXMA TS3360 # Canon PIXMA TS3365 # Canon PIXMA TS3460 # Canon PIXMA TS3465 Canon PIXMA TR4560 # Canon PIXMA TR4660 # Canon PIXMA TR4665 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia PG37 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $205 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia 640 640XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $240 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2160 # Canon PIXMA MG2260 # Canon PIXMA MG3160 # Canon PIXMA MG3260 # Canon PIXMA MG3560 # Canon PIXMA MG3360 Canon PIXMA MG4160 # Canon PIXMA MG4260 Canon PIXMA MX376 #Canon PIXMA MX396 # Canon PIXMA MX436 # Canon PIXMA MX456 # Canon PIXMA MX476 # Canon PIXMA MX516 # Canon PIXMA MX526 # Canon PIXMA MX536 Canon PIXMA 5160 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon US United States 245 245xl 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $230 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2820 # Canon PIXMA MX490 # Canon PIXMA MX492 Canon PIXMA MG2420 # Canon PIXMA MG2520 # Canon PIXMA MG2522 # Canon PIXMA MG2525 # Canon PIXMA MG2920 # Canon PIXMA MG2922 # Canon PIXMA MG2924 # Canon PIXMA MG2929 # Canon PIXMA MG3000 # Canon PIXMA MG3020 # Canon PIXMA MG3022 # Canon PIXMA MG3029 Canon PIXMA TS202 # Canon PIXMA TS302 # Canon PIXMA TS3100 # Canon PIXMA TS3120 # Canon PIXMA TS3122 # Canon PIXMA TS3129 # Canon PIXMA TS3320 # Canon PIXMA TS3322 # Canon PIXMA TS3329 # Canon PIXMA TS3420 Canon PIXMA TR4500 # Canon PIXMA TR4520 # Canon PIXMA TR4522 # Canon PIXMA TR4527 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 560 560XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $241 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:CANON PIXMA TS5350 # CANON PIXMA TS5350a # CANON PIXMA TS5351 # CANON PIXMA TS5351a # CANON PIXMA TS5352 # CANON PIXMA TS5352a # CANON PIXMA TS5353 # CANON PIXMA TS5353a CANON PIXMA TS7450 # CANON PIXMA TS7450a # CANON PIXMA TS7451 # CANON PIXMA TS7451a | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 545 545XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $240 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適應機型:Canon PIXMA Ip2850 # Canon PIXMA MX495 # Canon PIXMA MX499 Canon PIXMA MG2450 # Canon PIXMA MG2455 # Canon PIXMA MG2550 # Canon PIXMA MG2550S # Canon PIXMA MG2555 # Canon PIXMA MG2555S # Canon PIXMA MG2950 # Canon PIXMA MG3050 # Canon PIXMA MG3051 # Canon PIXMA MG3052 # Canon PIXMA MG3053 Canon PIXMA TS205 # Canon PIXMA TS305 # Canon PIXMA TS3150 # Canon PIXMA TS3151 # Canon PIXMA TS3350 # Canon PIXMA TS3351 # Canon PIXMA TS3352 # Canon PIXMA TS3355 # Canon PIXMA TS3450 # Canon PIXMA TS3451 # Canon PIXMA TS3452 Canon PIXMA TR4550 # Canon PIXMA TR4551 # Canon PIXMA TR4650 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific PG740 PG740XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $161 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2170 # Canon PIXMA MG2270 # Canon PIXMA MG3170 # Canon PIXMA MG4170 # Canon PIXMA MG4270 # Canon PIXMA MG3570 Canon PIXMA MX377 # Canon PIXMA MX397 # Canon PIXMA MX437 # Canon PIXMA MX457 # Canon PIXMA MX477 # Canon PIXMA MX517 # Canon PIXMA MX537 Canon PIXMA TS5170 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific PG810 PG810XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $205 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MP245 # Canon PIXMA MP258 # Canon PIXMA MP268 # Canon PIXMA MP276 Canon PIXMA MP486 # Canon PIXMA MP496 # Canon PIXMA MP497 Canon PIXMA MX328 # Canon PIXMA MX338 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AF Afghanistan PG37 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $188 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon ME Middle East PG37 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $188 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon WW World Wide PG40 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型: Canon iP1200 # Canon iP1300 # Canon iP1600 # Canon iP1700 Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2200 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon JX200 # Canon JX210P # Canon JX500 # Canon JX510P Canon MP140 # Canon MP150 # Canon MP160 # Canon MP170 # Canon MP180 Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP450 Canon MP450x # Canon MP460 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX310 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon WW World Wide PG50 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $170 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2200 # Canon PIXMA iP6120D # Canon PIXMA iP6220D Canon PIXMA MP150 # Canon PIXMA MP160 # Canon PIXMA MP170 # Canon PIXMA MP180 Canon PIXMA MP450 # Canon PIXMA MP460 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific PG830 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP1180 # Canon PIXMA iP1880 # Canon PIXMA iP1980 # Canon PIXMA iP2580 # Canon PIXMA iP2680 Canon PIXMA MP145 # Canon PIXMA MP198 # Canon PIXMA MP228 # Canon PIXMA MP476 Canon PIXMA MX308 # Canon PIXMA MX318 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific PG760 PG760XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $205 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:CANON PIXMA TS5370 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon ME Middle East PG445 PG445XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2440 # Canon PIXMA MG2540 # Canon PIXMA 2540S # Canon PIXMA MG2545 # Canon PIXMA MG2545S # Canon PIXMA MG2940 # Canon PIXMA MG3040 # Canon PIXMA Ip2840 Canon PIXMA MX494 Canon PIXMA TS204 # Canon PIXMA TS304 # Canon PIXMA TS3340 # Canon PIXMA TS3440 Canon PIXMA TR4540 # Canon PIXMA TR4640 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific PG745 PG745XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $170 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2870 # Canon PIXMA Ip2870s # Canon PIXMA MX497 Canon PIXMA MG2470 # Canon PIXMA MG2570 # Canon PIXMA MG2570S # Canon PIXMA MG2577S # Canon PIXMA MG2970 # Canon PIXMA MG3070 # Canon PIXMA MG3070S # Canon PIXMA MG3077 Canon PIXMA TS207 # Canon PIXMA TS307 # Canon PIXMA TS3170 # Canon PIXMA TS3177 # Canon PIXMA TS3370 # Canon PIXMA TS3470 Canon PIXMA TR4570 # Canon PIXMA TR4670 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon ME Middle East CL446 CL446XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2440 # Canon PIXMA MG2540 # Canon PIXMA 2540S # Canon PIXMA MG2545 # Canon PIXMA MG2545S # Canon PIXMA MG2940 # Canon PIXMA MG3040 # Canon PIXMA Ip2840 Canon PIXMA MX494 Canon PIXMA TS204 # Canon PIXMA TS304 # Canon PIXMA TS3340 # Canon PIXMA TS3440 Canon PIXMA TR4540 # Canon PIXMA TR4640 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AF Afghanistan PG445 PG445XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2440 # Canon PIXMA MG2540 # Canon PIXMA 2540S # Canon PIXMA MG2545 # Canon PIXMA MG2545S # Canon PIXMA MG2940 # Canon PIXMA MG3040 # Canon PIXMA Ip2840 Canon PIXMA MX494 Canon PIXMA TS204 # Canon PIXMA TS304 # Canon PIXMA TS3340 # Canon PIXMA TS3440 Canon PIXMA TR4540 # Canon PIXMA TR4640 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AF Afghanistan PG540 PG540XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2150 # Canon PIXMA MG2250 # Canon PIXMA MG3150 # Canon PIXMA MG3250 # Canon PIXMA MG3255 Canon PIXMA MG3550 # Canon PIXMA MG3650 # Canon PIXMA MG3650S # Canon PIXMA MG4150 # Canon PIXMA MG4250 Canon PIXMA MX375 # Canon PIXMA MX395 # Canon PIXMA MX435 # Canon PIXMA MX455 # Canon PIXMA MX475 # Canon PIXMA MX515 # Canon PIXMA MX525 # Canon PIXMA MX535 Canon PIXMA TS5150 # Canon PIXMA TS5051 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific CL741 CL741XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $288 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2170 # Canon PIXMA MG2270 # Canon PIXMA MG3170 # Canon PIXMA MG4170 # Canon PIXMA MG4270 # Canon PIXMA MG3570 Canon PIXMA MX377 # Canon PIXMA MX397 # Canon PIXMA MX437 # Canon PIXMA MX457 # Canon PIXMA MX477 # Canon PIXMA MX517 # Canon PIXMA MX537 Canon PIXMA TS5170 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AF Afghanistan CL446 CL446XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2440 # Canon PIXMA MG2540 # Canon PIXMA 2540S # Canon PIXMA MG2545 # Canon PIXMA MG2545S # Canon PIXMA MG2940 # Canon PIXMA MG3040 # Canon PIXMA Ip2840 Canon PIXMA MX494 Canon PIXMA TS204 # Canon PIXMA TS304 # Canon PIXMA TS3340 # Canon PIXMA TS3440 Canon PIXMA TR4540 # Canon PIXMA TR4640 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific CL746 CL746XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $251 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2870 # Canon PIXMA Ip2870s # Canon PIXMA MX497 Canon PIXMA MG2470 # Canon PIXMA MG2570 # Canon PIXMA MG2570S # Canon PIXMA MG2577S # Canon PIXMA MG2970 # Canon PIXMA MG3070 # Canon PIXMA MG3070S # Canon PIXMA MG3077 Canon PIXMA TS207 # Canon PIXMA TS307 # Canon PIXMA TS3170 # Canon PIXMA TS3177 # Canon PIXMA TS3370 # Canon PIXMA TS3470 Canon PIXMA TR4570 # Canon PIXMA TR4670 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AF Afghanistan CL541 CL541XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2150 # Canon PIXMA MG2250 # Canon PIXMA MG3150 # Canon PIXMA MG3250 # Canon PIXMA MG3255 Canon PIXMA MG3550 # Canon PIXMA MG3650 # Canon PIXMA MG3650S # Canon PIXMA MG4150 # Canon PIXMA MG4250 Canon PIXMA MX375 # Canon PIXMA MX395 # Canon PIXMA MX435 # Canon PIXMA MX455 # Canon PIXMA MX475 # Canon PIXMA MX515 # Canon PIXMA MX525 # Canon PIXMA MX535 Canon PIXMA TS5150 # Canon PIXMA TS5051 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific CL761 CL761XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $299 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:CANON PIXMA TS5370 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific CL831 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP1180 # Canon PIXMA iP1880 # Canon PIXMA iP1980 # Canon PIXMA iP2580 # Canon PIXMA iP2680 Canon PIXMA MP145 # Canon PIXMA MP198 # Canon PIXMA MP228 # Canon PIXMA MP476 Canon PIXMA MX308 # Canon PIXMA MX318 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon WW World Wide CL51 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $170 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2200 # Canon PIXMA iP6120D # Canon PIXMA iP6220D Canon PIXMA MP150 # Canon PIXMA MP160 # Canon PIXMA MP170 # Canon PIXMA MP180 Canon PIXMA MP450 # Canon PIXMA MP460 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon WW World Wide CL41 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1200 # Canon iP1300 # Canon iP1600 # Canon iP1700 Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2200 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon JX200 # Canon JX210P # Canon JX500 # Canon JX510P Canon MP140 # Canon MP150 # Canon MP160 # Canon MP170 # Canon MP180 Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP450 Canon MP450x # Canon MP460 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX310 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AF Afghanistan CL38 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $225 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AP Asia Pacific CL811 CL811XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $248 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MP245 # Canon PIXMA MP258 # Canon PIXMA MP268 # Canon PIXMA MP276 # Canon PIXMA MP486 # Canon PIXMA MP496 # Canon PIXMA MP497 Canon PIXMA MX328 # Canon PIXMA MX338 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI880XL CLI881XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $126 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA TS9180 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8180 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS6180 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TR8580 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8280 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS6280 (five colors) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI870 CLI871 PGI870XL CLI871XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $149 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG7780 (six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA MG6880 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG5780 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS9080 # Canon PIXMA TS8080 (six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA TS6080 # Canon PIXMA TS5080 (five colors) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN PFI57 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $5330 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-520 # Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-540 # Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-540S # Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-560s | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI2800 PGI2800XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $230 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon MAXIFY MB5080 (CHN) Canon MAXIFY IB4080 # Canon MAXIFY IB4180 Canon MAXIFY MB5180 # Canon MAXIFY MB5480 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI850XL CLI851XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $132 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA ip7280 Canon PIXMA MG5480 # Canon PIXMA MG5580 # Canon PIXMA MG5680 # Canon PIXMA MG6480 # Canon PIXMA MG6680 Canon PIXMA IX6780 # Canon PIXMA IX6880 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China CLI851GYXL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $132 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG6380 # Canon PIXMA MG7180 # Canon PIXMA MG7580 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI855 PGBK XXL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $149 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MX728 # Canon PIXMA MX928 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI825 CLI826 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $113 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG8180 # Canon PIXMA MG6180 # Canon PIXMA MG5280 Canon PIXMA IP4880 # Canon PIXMA IP4980 Canon PIXMA IX6580 Canon PIXMA MX888 CLI826GY適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG8180 # Canon PIXMA MG6180 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon CHN China PGI820 CLI821 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $99 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP3680 # Canon PIXMA iP4680 Canon PIXMA MP545 # Canon PIXMA MP628 # Canon PIXMA MP988 (CHN) Canon PIXMA MX638 # Canon PIXMA MX868 # Canon PIXMA MX876 CLI-821GY適用機型:Canon PIXMA MP988 (CHN) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 546 546XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $240 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA Ip2850 # Canon PIXMA MX495 # Canon PIXMA MX499 Canon PIXMA MG2450 # Canon PIXMA MG2455 # Canon PIXMA MG2550 # Canon PIXMA MG2550S # Canon PIXMA MG2555 # Canon PIXMA MG2555S # Canon PIXMA MG2950 # Canon PIXMA MG3050 # Canon PIXMA MG3051 # Canon PIXMA MG3052 # Canon PIXMA MG3053 Canon PIXMA TS205 # Canon PIXMA TS305 # Canon PIXMA TS3150 # Canon PIXMA TS3151 # Canon PIXMA TS3350 # Canon PIXMA TS3351 # Canon PIXMA TS3352 # Canon PIXMA TS3355 # Canon PIXMA TS3450 # Canon PIXMA TS3451 # Canon PIXMA TS3452 Canon PIXMA TR4550 # Canon PIXMA TR4551 # Canon PIXMA TR4650 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 561 561XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $248 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:CANON PIXMA TS5350 # CANON PIXMA TS5350a # CANON PIXMA TS5351 # CANON PIXMA TS5351a # CANON PIXMA TS5352 # CANON PIXMA TS5352a # CANON PIXMA TS5353 # CANON PIXMA TS5353a CANON PIXMA TS7450 # CANON PIXMA TS7450a # CANON PIXMA TS7451 # CANON PIXMA TS7451a | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon PIXMA iP110 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1728 | 特性重點 - 輕巧A4相片打印機 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 5色墨水系統,特設文件黑色打印墨水 - 可另配充電池作流動打印 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡作網絡分享打印 - Wi-Fi存取點模式,無需經路由器即可直接連接流動裝置至打印機進行打印 - AirPrint及Mopria無線打印iOS及Android™裝置上的網頁或文件*1 - Canon Print Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式無線相片直接打印*2 - PIXMA Cloud Link雲端應用程式,透過流動裝置遙距打印Facebook相簿及多種網上內容*3 - 透過『Google雲端列印™』,無需接駁電腦直接遙距操控家中打印機打印*3 - 支援PictBridge (Wireless LAN)數碼相機無線相片打印技術 - 4R無邊相片打印只需約53秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-35, CLI-36 *打印張數: 0 |
Canon PIXMA iP110B 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1959 | 特性重點 - 輕巧A4相片打印機 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 5色墨水系統,特設文件黑色打印墨水 - 可另配充電池作流動打印 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡作網絡分享打印 - Wi-Fi存取點模式,無需經路由器即可直接連接流動裝置至打印機進行打印 - AirPrint及Mopria無線打印iOS及Android™裝置上的網頁或文件*1 - Canon Print Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式無線相片直接打印*2 - PIXMA Cloud Link雲端應用程式,透過流動裝置遙距打印Facebook相簿及多種網上內容*3 - 透過『Google雲端列印™』,無需接駁電腦直接遙距操控家中打印機打印*3 - 支援PictBridge (Wireless LAN)數碼相機無線相片打印技術 - 4R無邊相片打印只需約53秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-35, CLI-36 *打印張數: 0 |
Canon PIXMA iP7270 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $914 | 特性重點 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 5色獨立墨水系統,特設相片黑色墨水,大大提升相片對比度 - 支援AirPrint,即可透過iOS裝置無線打印網頁或文件* - 自動雙面及光碟碟面打印 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡作網絡分享打印 - 全新My Image Garden軟件自動建議打印題材及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 全高清短片打印功能^ - 智能自動相片修正功能 - 趣味濾鏡打印支援魚眼、模型、玩具相機及柔焦鏡效果 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約21秒(標準模式) - ChromaLife 100+ 相片能保存於相簿長達300年 | 代用耗材: PGI-750XL PBK,CLI-751XL BK,C,M,Y *打印張數: 黑色:22ml,彩色:11ml |
Canon PIXMA iP8770 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2279 | 特性重點 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 6色獨立墨水系統,特設灰色墨水打印黑白相片及提升色彩層次 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡作網絡分享打印 - 全新Canon Print Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式作A3+相片直接打印*1 - 透過『Google雲端列印™』,無需接駁電腦直接遙距操控家中打印機打印*2 - AirPrint無線打印iOS裝置上的網頁或文件*3 - 光碟碟面打印 - 支援最新PictBridge (Wireless LAN)數碼相機無線相片打印技術 - 智能自動相片修正功能 - ChromaLife 100+ 相片能保存於相簿長達300年*4 - My Image Garden軟件支援全高清短片打印*5及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約36秒(標準模式) - 高速A3+相片打印(11" x 14")只需約120秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-750XL PBK,CLI-751XL BK,C,M,Y *打印張數: 黑色:22ml,彩色:11ml |
Canon PIXMA iX6770 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1554 | 特性重點 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 5色獨立墨水系統,特設相片黑色墨水,大大提升相片對比度 - My Image Garden軟件支援全高清短片打印*1及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 可於網上免費下載獨家海報/文件範本 - 智能自動相片修正功能 - ChromaLife 100+ 相片能保存於相簿長達300年*2 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約36秒(標準模式) - 高速A3+相片打印(11" x 14")只需約120秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-750XL PBK,CLI-751XL BK,C,M,Y *打印張數: 黑色:22ml,彩色:11ml |
Canon PIXMA iX6870 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1738 | 特性重點 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 5色獨立墨水系統,特設相片黑色墨水,大大提升相片對比度 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡及以太網路介面作網絡分享打印 - 全新Canon Print Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式作A3+相片直接打印*1 - 透過『Google雲端列印™』,無需接駁電腦直接遙距操控家中打印機打印*2 - AirPrint無線打印iOS裝置上的網頁或文件*3 - My Image Garden軟件支援全高清短片打印*4及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 可於網上免費下載獨家海報/文件範本 - 智能自動相片修正功能 - ChromaLife 100+ 相片能保存於相簿長達300年*5 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約36秒(標準模式) - 高速A3+相片打印(11" x 14")只需約120秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-750XL PBK,CLI-751XL BK,C,M,Y *打印張數: 黑色:22ml,彩色:11ml |
Canon US United States 246 246xl 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $230 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2820 # Canon PIXMA MX490 # Canon PIXMA MX492 Canon PIXMA MG2420 # Canon PIXMA MG2520 # Canon PIXMA MG2522 # Canon PIXMA MG2525 # Canon PIXMA MG2920 # Canon PIXMA MG2922 # Canon PIXMA MG2924 # Canon PIXMA MG2929 # Canon PIXMA MG3000 # Canon PIXMA MG3020 # Canon PIXMA MG3022 # Canon PIXMA MG3029 Canon PIXMA TS202 # Canon PIXMA TS302 # Canon PIXMA TS3100 # Canon PIXMA TS3120 # Canon PIXMA TS3122 # Canon PIXMA TS3129 # Canon PIXMA TS3320 # Canon PIXMA TS3322 # Canon PIXMA TS3329 # Canon PIXMA TS3420 Canon PIXMA TR4500 # Canon PIXMA TR4520 # Canon PIXMA TR4522 # Canon PIXMA TR4527 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia 641 641XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $240 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2160 # Canon PIXMA MG2260 # Canon PIXMA MG3160 # Canon PIXMA MG3260 # Canon PIXMA MG3560 # Canon PIXMA MG3360 Canon PIXMA MG4160 # Canon PIXMA MG4260 Canon PIXMA MX376 #Canon PIXMA MX396 # Canon PIXMA MX436 # Canon PIXMA MX456 # Canon PIXMA MX476 # Canon PIXMA MX516 # Canon PIXMA MX526 # Canon PIXMA MX536 Canon PIXMA 5160 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia CL38 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $220 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon AU Australia 646 646XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $350 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2560 # Canon PIXMA MG2460 # Canon PIXMA MG2960 # Canon PIXMA MG2965 # Canon PIXMA MG3060 Canon PIXMA MX496 Canon PIXMA TS3160 # Canon PIXMA TS3165 # Canon PIXMA TS3360 # Canon PIXMA TS3365 # Canon PIXMA TS3460 # Canon PIXMA TS3465 Canon PIXMA TR4560 # Canon PIXMA TR4660 # Canon PIXMA TR4665 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe CL38 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $220 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 511 513 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $248 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA Ip2700 # Canon PIXMA iP2702 Canon PIXMA MP230 # Canon PIXMA MP235 # Canon PIXMA MP240 # Canon PIXMA MP250 # Canon PIXMA MP252 # Canon PIXMA MP260 # Canon PIXMA MP270 # Canon PIXMA MP272 # Canon PIXMA MP280 # Canon PIXMA MP282 Canon PIXMA MP480 # Canon PIXMA MP490 # Canon PIXMA MP492 # Canon PIXMA MP495 # Canon PIXMA MP499 Canon PIXMA MX320 # Canon PIXMA MX330 # Canon PIXMA MX340 # Canon PIXMA MX350 # Canon PIXMA MX360 # Canon PIXMA MX410 # Canon PIXMA MX420 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe 541 541XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $248 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2150 # Canon PIXMA MG2250 # Canon PIXMA MG3150 # Canon PIXMA MG3250 # Canon PIXMA MG3255 Canon PIXMA MG3550 # Canon PIXMA MG3650 # Canon PIXMA MG3650S # Canon PIXMA MG4150 # Canon PIXMA MG4250 Canon PIXMA MX375 # Canon PIXMA MX395 # Canon PIXMA MX435 # Canon PIXMA MX455 # Canon PIXMA MX475 # Canon PIXMA MX515 # Canon PIXMA MX525 # Canon PIXMA MX535 Canon PIXMA TS5150 # Canon PIXMA TS5051 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon TW Taiwan CL57 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $463 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA E400 # Canon PIXMA E410 # Canon PIXMA E417 Canon PIXMA E460 # Canon PIXMA E470 # Canon PIXMA E477 # Canon PIXMA E480 Canon PIXMA E3170 # Canon PIXMA E3177 # Canon PIXMA E3370 # Canon PIXMA E3470 Canon PIXMA E4270 # Canon PIXMA E4570 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon South Africa CL446 CL446XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $160 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2440 # Canon PIXMA MG2540 # Canon PIXMA 2540S # Canon PIXMA MG2545 # Canon PIXMA MG2545S # Canon PIXMA MG2940 # Canon PIXMA MG3040 # Canon PIXMA Ip2840 Canon PIXMA MX494 Canon PIXMA TS204 # Canon PIXMA TS304 # Canon PIXMA TS3340 # Canon PIXMA TS3440 Canon PIXMA TR4540 # Canon PIXMA TR4640 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon KOR Korea CL946 CL946XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $328 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA iP2890 # Canon PIXMA iP2899 # Canon PIXMA MX499 Canon PIXMA MG2490 # Canon PIXMA MG2590 # Canon PIXMA MG2990 # Canon PIXMA MG3090 # Canon PIXMA MG3095W Canon PIXMA TS3190 # Canon PIXMA TS3195 # Canon PIXMA TS3390 # Canon PIXMA TS3391 # Canon PIXMA TS3392 # Canon PIXMA TS3490 # Canon PIXMA TS3491 # Canon PIXMA TS3492 Canon PIXMA TR4590 # Canon PIXMA TR4595 # Canon PIXMA TR4690 # Canon PIXMA TR4695 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon LA Latin America CL241 CL241XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2120 # Canon PIXMA MG2220 # Canon PIXMA MG3120 # Canon PIXMA MG3122 # Canon PIXMA MG3220 # Canon PIXMA MG3222 # Canon PIXMA MG3520 Canon PIXMA MG4120 # Canon PIXMA MG4220 Canon PIXMA MX372 # Canon PIXMA MX392 # Canon PIXMA MX432 # Canon PIXMA MX439 # Canon PIXMA MX452 # Canon PIXMA MX459 # Canon PIXMA MX472 Canon PIXMA MX512 # Canon PIXMA MX522 # Canon PIXMA MX532 Canon PIXMA TS5120 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon US United States 241 241XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2120 # Canon PIXMA MG2220 # Canon PIXMA MG3120 # Canon PIXMA MG3122 # Canon PIXMA MG3220 # Canon PIXMA MG3222 # Canon PIXMA MG3520 # Canon PIXMA MG4120 # Canon PIXMA MG4220 Canon PIXMA MX372 # Canon PIXMA MX392 # Canon PIXMA MX432 # Canon PIXMA MX439 # Canon PIXMA MX452 # Canon PIXMA MX459 Canon PIXMA MX472 # Canon PIXMA MX512 # Canon PIXMA MX522 # Canon PIXMA MX532 Canon PIXMA TS5120 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon US United States 211 211XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MP230 # Canon PIXMA MP240 # Canon PIXMA MP250 # Canon PIXMA MP270 # Canon PIXMA MP280 # Canon PIXMA MP280w # Canon PIXMA MP480 # Canon PIXMA MP490 # Canon PIXMA MP495 # Canon PIXMA MP495 RFB # Canon PIXMA MP499 Canon PIXMA MX320 # Canon PIXMA MX330 # Canon PIXMA MX340 # Canon PIXMA MX340RFB # Canon PIXMA MX350 # Canon PIXMA MX360 # Canon PIXMA MX410 # Canon PIXMA MX420 Canon PIXMA iP2700 # Canon PIXMA iP2702 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon LA Latin America CL141 CL141XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $435 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2110 # Canon PIXMA MG2210 Canon PIXMA MG3110 # Canon PIXMA MG321 # Canon PIXMA MG3510 # Canon PIXMA MG3610 Canon PIXMA MG4110 # Canon PIXMA MG4210 Canon PIXMA MX371 # Canon PIXMA MX391 Canon PIXMA MX431 # Canon PIXMA MX451 # Canon PIXMA MX471 Canon PIXMA MX511 # Canon PIXMA MX521 # Canon PIXMA MX531 Canon PIXMA TS5110 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon LA Latin America CL146 CL146XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $340 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon PIXMA MG2510 # Canon PIXMA MG2410 # Canon PIXMA iP2810 # Canon PIXMA MG2910 # Canon PIXMA MG3010 Canon PIXMA TS3110 # Canon PIXMA TS3310 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon ME Middle East CL38 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $225 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Canon iP1800 # Canon iP1900 # Canon iP2500 # Canon iP2600 Canon MP140 # Canon MP190 # Canon MP210 # Canon MP220 # Canon MP470 Canon MX300 # Canon MX31 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI580XXL CLI581XXL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $224 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA TR7550 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TR8550 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS6150 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS6151 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8150 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8151 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8152 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS9150 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS9155 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS6250 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8250/8251/8252 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS9550/TS9551C (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS705 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA TS8350 (six colors) # Canon PIXMA TS6350 (five colors) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI570 CLI571 PGI570XL CLI571XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $165 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA MG5750 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG5751 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG5752 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG5753 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG6850 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG6851 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG6852 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG6853 (five colors) # Canon PIXMA MG7750 (six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA MG7751 (six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA MG7752 (six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA MG7753 (six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA TS9050/9055/8050/8051/8052/8053(six colors including GY) # Canon PIXMA TS6050/6051/6052/5050/5051/5052/5053 (five colors) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI1500XL CLI1500XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $253 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon MAXIFY IB4050 # Canon MAXIFY MB5050 # Canon MAXIFY MB5350 # Canon MAXIFY MB5150 # Canon MAXIFY MB5450 # Canon MAXIFY IB4150 (EUR) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI2500XL CLI2500XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $292 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon MAXIFY IB4050 # Canon MAXIFY MB5050 # Canon MAXIFY MB5350 # Canon MAXIFY MB5150 # Canon MAXIFY MB5450 # Canon MAXIFY IB4150 (EUR) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI550XL CLI551XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $157 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA ip7250 # Canon PIXMA iP8750 # Canon PIXMA MG5450 # Canon PIXMA MX725 # Canon PIXMA MX925 # Canon PIXMA MG6450 # Canon PIXMA MG5550 # Canon PIXMA IX6850 # Canon PIXMA MG5650 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe CLI551 GY 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $129 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA MG6350 # Canon PIXMA MG7150 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI550XL CLI551XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $169 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA ip7250 # Canon PIXMA iP8750 # Canon PIXMA MG5450 # Canon PIXMA MX725 # Canon PIXMA MX925 # Canon PIXMA MG6450 # Canon PIXMA MG5550 # Canon PIXMA IX6850 # Canon PIXMA MG5650 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe CLI551XL GY 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $160 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA MG6350 # Canon PIXMA MG7150 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI525 CLI526 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $175 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA MG8150 # Canon PIXMA 6150 # Canon PIXMA 5250 # Canon PIXMA MG8250 # Canon PIXMA IP4850 # Canon PIXMA IX6550 # Canon PIXMA MX885 # Canon PIXMA MX895 # Canon PIXMA MX715 CLI526GY適用機型:# Canon PIXMA MG8150 # Canon PIXMA 6150 # Canon PIXMA MG8250 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon EUR Europe PGI520 CLI521 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $166 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Canon PIXMA iP3600 # Canon PIXMA iP4600 # Canon PIXMA MP540 # Canon PIXMA MP620 # Canon PIXMA MP630 # Canon PIXMA MP980 (EUR) # Canon PIXMA MX860 # Canon PIXMA MX870 CLI521GY 適用機型: # Canon PIXMA MP980 (EUR) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Canon PIXMA MG3670 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $499 | 3合1:打印 / 掃描 / 影印 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約44秒(標準模式) - 內置無線網絡作網絡分享打印/掃描 - 自動雙面打印;4色墨水系統 | 代用耗材: 內膽墨740XL,741XL $69/3盒 *打印張數: 黑色:14 ml,彩色:15 ml |
Canon PIXMA MG5770 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $814 | 特性重點 - 多合一功能: 彩色打印 / 彩色掃描 / 彩色影印 - Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式作直接相片打印、掃描及雲端打印*1 - AirPrint及Canon Print Service無線打印iOS及Android™裝置上的網頁或文件*2 - PIXMA Cloud Link雲端應用程式,無需接駁電腦從打印機直接打印Facebook相簿及多種網上內容*3 - 支援「Google雲端列印™」遙距操控打印機打印相片及文件*3 - Easy-PhotoPrint+雲端相片編輯及打印軟件*4 - 5色獨立墨水系統,特設相片黑色墨水,大大提升相片對比度 - 2微微升墨滴及4,800dpi相片打印解像度 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡介面作網絡分享打印/掃描 - 支援Wi-Fi Direct模式,無需經路由器及網路設定直接連接流動裝置進行打印 - 自動雙面打印 - 2.5吋彩色顯示屏,大大簡化操作程序 - 支援最新PictBridge (Wireless LAN)數碼相機無線相片打印技術 - ChromaLife 100相片能保存於相簿長達100年*5 - My Image Garden軟件支援全高清短片打*6及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 智能自動相片修正功能 - 趣味濾鏡打印支援魚眼、模型、玩具相機及柔焦鏡效果 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約41秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-770, CLI-771BK/C/M/Y *打印張數: 黑色:500,彩色C/M/Y:各680 |
Canon PIXMA MG6870 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1176 | 列印,影印,掃描,相片 WiFi 802.11b/g/n 無線打印 可自動雙面打印 A4 文件 內置多合一讀卡器直接打印相片 | 代用耗材: PGI-770XL, CLI-771XL BK/C/M/Y *打印張數: 黑色:500 彩色:680 |
Canon PIXMA MG7770 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1549 | 特性重點 - 多合一功能: 彩色打印 / 彩色掃描 / 彩色影印 - PIXMA Touch & Print,無需網路設定即可透過NFC從流動裝置打印相片及文件*1 - Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式作直接相片打印、掃描及雲端打印*2 - AirPrint及Canon Print Service無線打印iOS及Android™裝置上的網頁或文件*3 - PIXMA Cloud Link雲端應用程式,無需接駁電腦從打印機直接打印Facebook相簿及多種網上內容*4 - 支援「Google雲端列印™」遙距操控打印機打印相片及文件*4 - Easy-PhotoPrint+雲端相片編輯及打印軟件*5 - 輕觸式智能介面連3.5寸顯示屏,大大簡化操作程序 - 6色獨立墨水系統,特設灰色墨水打印黑白相片及提升色彩層次 - 1微微升墨滴及9,600dpi專業相片打印解像度 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡及以太網路介面作網絡分享打印/掃描 - 支援Wi-Fi Direct模式,無需經路由器及網路設定直接連接流動裝置進行打印 - 自動雙面打印及光碟碟面打印 - 內置多合一讀卡器直接打印JPEG相片 - 支援最新PictBridge (LAN & Wireless LAN)數碼相機無線相片打印技術 - ChromaLife 100相片能保存於相簿長達100年*6 - My Image Garden軟件支援全高清短片打*7及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 智能自動相片修正功能 - 趣味濾鏡打印支援魚眼、模型、玩具相機及柔焦鏡效果 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約21秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: PGI-770XL ,CLI-771XL BK/C/M/Y/GY *打印張數: 黑色:500,彩色:680 |
Canon PIXMA TS5070 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $988 | 0 | 代用耗材: PGI-770XL ,CLI-771XL BK/C/M/Y $325/10盒 *打印張數: PGI-770BK XL:500張, CLI-771BK XL:680張, CLI-771C XL:680張, CLI-771M XL:680張, CLI-771Y XL:680張 |
Canon PIXMA TR4570 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $888 | 0 | 代用耗材: 內膽墨745XL,746XL $200/10盒 *打印張數: 0 |
Canon ImageClass LBP6030 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $499 | - 打印速度:高達每分鐘18張 - 解像度:2,400 dpi x 600 dpi - 首頁打印只需7.8秒 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-325 $168/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2200頁 |
Canon ImageClass LBP6030w 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $838 | 打印速度:高達每分鐘18張 - 解像度:2,400 dpi x 600 dpi - 首頁打印只需7.8秒 - 內置WiFi無線網絡打印功能可供多人共用 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-325 $168/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2200頁 |
Canon ImageClass MF212w 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1287 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-337 $178/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2600頁 |
Canon ImageClass MF215 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1654 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-337 $178/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2600頁 |
Canon ImageClass MF217w 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1623 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-337 $178/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2600頁 |
Canon ImageClass MF226dn 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2209 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-337 $178/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2600頁 |
Canon ImageClass MF229dw 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2736 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-337 $178/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2600頁 |
Canon ImageClass MF3010 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1049 | 功能簡介 - 3合1:打印 / 影印 / 掃描 - 打印速度:高達18頁(A4) - 解像度:高達600x600dpi - 小巧機身設計 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-325 $168/1盒 *打印張數: 高容量黑色2200頁 |
Canon LBP 7100Cn 純彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2190 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-331IIB $268/盒 *打印張數: 2400 |
Canon LaserSHOT LBP7110cw 純彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2463 | 0 | 代用耗材: CARTRIDGE-331IIB $268/盒 *打印張數: 2400 |
Epson CHN China T289-T290 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $109 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce WF-100 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T9641 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $925 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5299 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5799 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T9651 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $909 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5299 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5799 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T9661 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1160 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5299 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5799 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T8651 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2617 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5690 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-M5190 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 27XXL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $463 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce WF-7110 DTW # Epson WorkForce WF-7610 DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7620 DTWF # Epson WorkForce WF-3620 # Epson WorkForce WF-3640DTWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7715DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7710DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7210DTW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson HK T04E1 T04E2 T04E3 T04E4 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $151 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson Expression Home XP-2101 # Epson Expression Home XP-4101 Epson WorkForce WF-2831 # Epson WorkForce WF-2851 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China C13T11H100 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1339 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5890 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5390 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T9681 T9691 T9701 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $680 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WF-M5299a # Epson M5799a | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T04Q1 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1080 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WF-M20590 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T11F2-T11F4 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $759 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5890 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5390 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T946 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1139 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5290 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5790 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T266 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $190 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce WF-100W | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T267 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $150 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce WF-100W | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T01C 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1093 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Workforce Pro WF-C529RDTW #Epson Workforce Pro WF-C579RDTW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T01D 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1690 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Workforce Pro WF-C529RDTW # Epson Workforce Pro WF-C579RDTW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T46MBK T46MC T46MM T46MY T46MLC T46MLM 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $675 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureLab D1080 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T05U1-T05U4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $230 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce WF-4838 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T05NBK T05U2-T05U4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $280 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce WF-7848 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T43W1-T43W6 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $443 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureLab SL-D880 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T01B1-T01B4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $350 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WF-C8190a # Epson WF-C8690a | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T46F1-T46F6 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SC-F6380 # Epson SC-F9480 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T01U1-T01U6 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $54 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Photo HD XP-15010 # Epson Expression Photo HD XP-15080 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T9481-T9484 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1100 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5790a # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5290a | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T9491-T9494 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $879 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5790a # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5290a | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T8020-T8029 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $980 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor P10080 # Epson SureColor P20080 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T8061-T8069 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor P6080 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T40H1-T40H4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $428 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3180 # Epson SureColor T5180 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T41K2-T41K5 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1728 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3480 # Epson SureColor T5480 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T11G1-T11G4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1109 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5890 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5390 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson HK T03C1 T03C2 T03C3 T03C4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $170 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce WF-2861 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson HK 202XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $244 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson Expression premium XP-6000 # Epson Expression premium XP-6005 # Epson Expression premium XP-6100 # Epson Expression premium XP-6105 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson HK T3491 T3492 T3493 T3494 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $202 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce Pro WF-3721 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson HK T2511 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $438 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce WF-M1561 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson KOR Korea T10J 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $151 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson XP-2200 # Epson XP-4200 # Epson WF-2950 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson KOR Korea T03C1 T03C2 T03C3 T03C4 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $170 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce WF-2861 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson KOR Korea T3641 T3642 T3643 T3644 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $125 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson Expression Home XP-245 # Epson Expression Home XP- 442 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson HK T10J 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $151 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson XP-2200 # Epson XP-4200 # Epson WF-2950 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7551-T7554 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $608 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Pro WF-8090 # Epson Pro WF-8590 # Epson Pro WF-8010 # Epson Pro WF-8510 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 26 T2601 T2611-2614 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $148 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Premium XP-600 # Epson Expression Premium XP-605 # Epson Expression Premium XP-700 # Epson Expression Premium XP-800 # Epson Expression Premium XP-610 # Epson Expression Premium XP-615 # Epson Expression Premium XP-710 # Epson Expression Premium XP-810 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 26XL T2621 T2631-2634 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $257 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Premium XP-600 # Epson Expression Premium XP-605 # Epson Expression Premium XP-700 # Epson Expression Premium XP-800 # Epson Expression Premium XP-610 # Epson Expression Premium XP-615 # Epson Expression Premium XP-710 # Epson Expression Premium XP-810 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 24 T2421-T2426 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $131 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Photo XP-750 # Epson Expression Photo XP-850 # Epson Expression Photo XP-950 # Epson Expression Photo XP-860 # Epson Expression Photo XP-55 # Epson Expression Photo XP-760 # Epson Expression Photo XP-960 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 24XL T2431-T2436 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $198 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Photo XP-750 # Epson Expression Photo XP-850 # Epson Expression Photo XP-950 # Epson Expression Photo XP-860 # Epson Expression Photo XP-55 # Epson Expression Photo XP-760 # Epson Expression Photo XP-960 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T6941-T6945 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $629 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3000 # Epson SureColor T5000 # Epson SureColor T7000 # Epson SureColor T3200 # Epson SureColor T5200 # Epson SureColor T7200 # Epson SureColor T3270 # Epson SureColor T5270 # Epson SureColor T7270 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T6931-T6935 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $658 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3000 # Epson SureColor T5000 # Epson SureColor T7000 # Epson SureColor T3200 # Epson SureColor T5200 # Epson SureColor T7200 # Epson SureColor T3270 # Epson SureColor T5270 # Epson SureColor T7270 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7411-T7414 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $679 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor F6000 # Epson SureColor F6070 # Epson SureColor F7000 # Epson SureColor F7100 # Epson SureColor F7070 # Epson SureColor F7170 # Epson SureColor F7200 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T741X-T7414 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $552 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor F6000 # Epson SureColor F6200 # Epson SureColor F7000 # Epson SureColor F7100 # Epson SureColor F7200 # Epson SureColor F9200 # Epson SureColor F9300 # Epson SureColor F9370 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7251-T7254 T725A 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2400 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson SureColor F2000 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T6871-T6874 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1776 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor S30600 # Epson SureColor S50600 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T8391-T8394 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $850 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce Pro WF-R8590 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7891-T7894 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $461 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5620DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5690DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5110DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5190DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 79 T7901-T7904 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $179 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5620DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5690DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5110DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5190DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4640 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4630 (EUR) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 79XL T7911-T7914 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $254 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5620DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5690DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5110DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-5190DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4640 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4630 (EUR) | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T8501-T8509 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $543 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor P800 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7561-T7564 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $880 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8010DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8090DTWC # Epson WorkForce Pro 8590DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8590D3TWFC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8090D3TWC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8090DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8590DTWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8090DTW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8510DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-8590DTWFC | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T1291-T1294 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $186 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Stylus SX420W # Epson Stylus SX425W # Epson Stylus SX525WD # Epson Stylus SX620FW # Epson Stylus SX445 # Epson Stylus SX235W # Epson Stylus SX435W # Epson Stylus SX230 # Epson Stylus SX440W # Epson Stylus SX535WD # Epson Stylus Office BX305F # Epson Stylus Office BX305FW # Epson Stylus Office BX525WD # Epson Stylus Office BX625FWD # Epson Stylus Office B42WD # Epson Stylus Office BX925FWD # Epson Stylus Office BX925FW # Epson Stylus Office BX535WD # Epson Stylus Office BX635FWD # Epson Stylus Office BX935FWD #Epson WorkForce WF-3540DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T1281-T1284 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $284 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Stylus S22 # Epson Stylus SX125 # Epson Stylus SX420W # Epson Stylus SX425W # Epson Stylus SX235W # Epson Stylus SX130 # Epson Stylus SX435W # Epson Stylus SX230 # Epson Stylus SX440W # Epson Stylus Office BX305F # Epson Stylus Office BX305FW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T1301-T1304 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $305 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Stylus SX525WD # Epson Stylus SX620FW # Epson Stylus SX445 # Epson Stylus SX535W # Epson Stylus Office BX525WD # Epson Stylus Office BX625FWD # Epson Stylus Office BX925FWD # Epson Stylus Office B42WD # Epson Stylus Office BX925FW # Epson Stylus Office BX535WD # Epson Stylus Office BX635FWD # Epson Stylus Office BX935FWD # Epson WorkForce WF-3540DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7011-T7014 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $196 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4025 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4015 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4525 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4545 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4595 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7021-T7024 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $397 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4025 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4015 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4525 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4545 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4595 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T7031-T7034 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $196 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4025 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4015 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4525 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4545 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4595 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T9131-T9139 T913A T913B T913D 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1139 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson SureColor P5000 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 760 T7601-T7609 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson SureColor SC-P600 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 324 T3240-T3249 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $150 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor P400 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 878 T8781-T8784 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $3600 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-R5190 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-R5690 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T9071-T9074 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1150 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6590D2TWFC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6590DTWC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6590DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6090D2TWFC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6090DTWC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6090DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T9081-T9084 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $400 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6590D2TWFC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6590DTWC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6590DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6090D2TWFC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6090DTWC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-6090DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 18 T1801-T1804 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $147 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Home XP-30 # Epson Expression Home XP-102 # Epson Expression Home XP-202 # Epson Expression Home XP-205 # Epson Expression Home XP-302 # Epson Expression Home XP-305 # Epson Expression Home XP-402 # Epson Expression Home XP-405 # Epson Expression HomeXP-215 # Epson Expression HomeXP-312 # Epson Expression Home XP-415 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 18XL T1811-T1814 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $197 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Home XP-30 # Epson Expression Home XP-102 # Epson Expression Home XP-202 # Epson Expression Home XP-205 # Epson Expression Home XP-302 # Epson Expression Home XP-305 # Epson Expression Home XP-402 # Epson Expression Home XP-405 # Epson Expression HomeXP-215 # Epson Expression HomeXP-312 # Epson Expression Home XP-415 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 16 T1621-T1624 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $123 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Work Force WF-2010W # Epson Work Force WF-2510WF # Epson Work Force WF-2520NF # Epson Work Force WF-2530DW # Epson Work Force WF-2540WF # Epson Work Force WF-2750DWF # Epson Work Force 2760DWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 16XL T1631-T1634 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $182 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Work Force WF-2010W # Epson Work Force WF-2510WF # Epson Work Force WF-2520NF # Epson Work Force WF-2530DW # Epson Work Force WF-2540WF # Epson Work Force WF-2750DWF # Epson Work Force 2760DWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 27 T2701-T2704 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $194 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce WF-7110 DTW # Epson WorkForce WF-7610 DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7620 DTWF # Epson WorkForce WF-3620 # Epson WorkForce WF-3640DTWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7715DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7710DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7210DTW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 27XL T2711-T2714 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $295 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce WF-7110 DTW # Epson WorkForce WF-7610 DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7620 DTWF # Epson WorkForce WF-3620 # Epson WorkForce WF-3640DTWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7715DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7710DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-7210DTW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T40D 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $934 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3100 # Epson SureColorT5100 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T41F2-T41F5 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1410 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3400 # Epson SureColorT5400 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T2981-T2984 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $148 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson XP-235 # Epson XP-245 # Epson XP-247 # Epson XP-255 # Epson XP-257 # Epson XP-332 # Epson XP-335 # Epson XP-342 # Epson XP-345 # Epson XP-352 # Epson XP-355 # Epson XP-432 # Epson XP-435 # Epson XP-442 # Epson XP-445 # Epson XP-452 # Epson XP-455 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T2991-T2994 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $280 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Home XP-235 # Epson Expression Home XP-245 # Epson Expression Home XP-247 # Epson Expression Home XP-332 # Epson Expression Home XP-335 # Epson Expression Home XP-342 # Epson Expression Home XP-345 # Epson Expression Home XP-432 # Epson Expression Home XP-435 # Epson Expression Home XP-442 # Epson Expression Home XP-445 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T3331 T3341-T3344 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Premium XP-530 # Epson Expression Premium XP-630 # Epson Expression Premium XP-830 # Epson Expression Premium XP-635 # Epson Expression Premium XP-540 # Epson Expression Premium XP-640 # Epson Expression Premium XP-645 # Epson Expression Premium XP-900 # Epson Expression Premium XP-7100 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T3351 T3361-T3364 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $280 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Premium XP-530 # Epson Expression Premium XP-630 # Epson Expression Premium XP-830 # Epson Expression Premium XP-635 # Epson Expression Premium XP-540 # Epson Expression Premium XP-640 # Epson Expression Premium XP-645 # Epson Expression Premium XP-900 # Epson Expression Premium XP-7100 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T9731-T9734 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $790 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WF-C869Ra | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T9741-T9744 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $3750 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WF-C869Ra | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T7081-T7085 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $900 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor T3080 # Epson SureColor T3280 # Epson SureColor T5280 # Epson SureColor T7280 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T7421-T7424 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2100 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor F6080 # Epson SureColor F7180 # Epson SureColor F7080 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T742X-T7424 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2100 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor F9380 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T8931-T8939 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $260 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor S40680 # Epson SureColor S60680 # Epson SureColor S80680 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T6771-T6774 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $260 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4511 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4531 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4521 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T6781-T6784 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $220 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4011 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4511 # Epson WorkForce Pro WP-4521 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson CHN China T9151-T9159 T915A-T915D 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $440 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor P5080 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T47A1-T47A9 T47AD 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $450 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson SureColor SC-P900 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T04A 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $740 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8190 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8190DTWC # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8690D3TWFC # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8690DWF # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8190D3TWC # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8190DW # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8690DTWF # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8190DTW # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8690 # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8690DTWFC | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 603 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $104 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Home XP-2100 # Epson Expression Home XP-2105 # Epson Expression Home XP-3100 # Epson Expression Home XP-3105 # Epson Expression Home XP-4100 # Epson Expression Home XP-4105 # Epson WorkForce WF-2810 # Epson WorkForce WF-2830 # Epson WorkForce WF-2835 # Epson WorkForce WF-2850 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 502 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $182 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Home XP-5100 # Epson Expression Home XP-5105 # Epson WorkForce WF-2860DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-2865DWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 502XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $290 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Home XP-5100 # Epson Expression Home XP-5105 # Epson WorkForce WF-2860DWF # Epson WorkForce WF-2865DWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 405XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $517 | 用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WF-7830DTWF #Epson 7835DTWF #Epson 7840DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 405 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $201 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WF-3820DWF # Epson WF-3825DWF # Epson WF-4820DWF #Epson WF-4825DWF #Epson WF-4830DTWF # Epson WF-7830DTWF #Epson WF-7835DTWF #Epson WF-7840DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T04C 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $488 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8190 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8690 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8610 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T04B 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $700 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8190 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8690 # Epson WorkForce ProWF-C8610 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T04A 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $981 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8190 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C8690 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T43U 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $700 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson SureLab SL-D800 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T46S 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson SureColor SC-P700 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR SJIC36P 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $685 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson CW-C6000A | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 408L 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $737 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C4810DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 408 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $557 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C4810DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T46D 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $500 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SC-F6300 # Epson SC F6360 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 34 T3461-T3464 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-3725DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro 3720DWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 34XL T3471-T3474 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $432 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-3725DWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-3720DWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 35 T3581-T3584 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $323 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4740DTWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4720DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4725DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 35XL T3591-T3594 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $547 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4740DTWF # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4720DW # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4725DW | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 202 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $176 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression premium XP-6000 # Epson Expression premium XP-6005 # Epson Expression premium XP-6100 # Epson Expression premium XP-6105 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR Europe 202XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $255 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression premium XP-6000 # Epson Expression premium XP-6005 # Epson Expression premium XP-6100 # Epson Expression premium XP-6105 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 378 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $139 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Photo XP-8500 # Epson Expression Photo XP-8505 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 378XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $208 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Photo XP-8500 # Epson Expression Photo XP-8505 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 478XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $218 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson Expression Photo XP-8500 # Epson Expression Photo XP-8505 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR 407 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $447 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:Epson WF-4745DTWF | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T944 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $497 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5290 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5790 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5210 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5710 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson EUR T945 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $500 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5290 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5790 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5210 # Epson WorkForce Pro WF-C5710 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson Ciss L565 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1619 | 0 | 代用耗材: T6641,T6642,T6643,T6644 请咨询客服 *打印張數: 黑色:4000 彩色:6500 |
Epson Ciss L1300 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2719 | A3+ (13” x 19”) 大幅面打印尺寸文件及相片打印 打印速度高達每分鐘30頁(黑白) / 17頁(彩色) 達至5,760 x 1,440 dpi 打印解像度,3微微升墨點 4色獨立墨瓶設計配置雙黑色墨瓶設計,經濟又環保,每支只需$68 後入紙匣可支援打印100頁A4紙 一年上門維修保養 | 代用耗材: T6641,T6642,T6643,T6644 *打印張數: 黑色:7100,彩色C/M/Y:各5700 |
Epson Ciss L310 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1079 | 0 | 代用耗材: T6641,T6642,T6643,T6644 请咨询客服 *打印張數: 黑色:4000 彩色:6500 |
Epson EUR T6881-T6884 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1570 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# Epson SureColor S30610 # Epson SureColor S50610 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
Epson Ciss L360 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1019 | 0 | 代用耗材: T6641,T6642,T6643,T6644 请咨询客服 *打印張數: 黑色:4000 彩色:6500 |
Epson Expression Home XP-422 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $777 | 特性重點 - 多合一功能: 彩色打印 / 彩色掃描 / 彩色影印 - Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY智能手機應用程式作直接相片打印、掃描及雲端打印*1 - AirPrint及Canon Print Service無線打印iOS及Android™裝置上的網頁或文件*2 - PIXMA Cloud Link雲端應用程式,無需接駁電腦從打印機直接打印Facebook相簿及多種網上內容*3 - 支援「Google雲端列印™」遙距操控打印機打印相片及文件*3 - Easy-PhotoPrint+雲端相片編輯及打印軟件*4 - 5色獨立墨水系統,特設相片黑色墨水,大大提升相片對比度 - 2微微升墨滴及4,800dpi相片打印解像度 - 內置Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n無線網絡介面作網絡分享打印/掃描 - 支援Wi-Fi Direct模式,無需經路由器及網路設定直接連接流動裝置進行打印 - 自動雙面打印 - 2.5吋彩色顯示屏,大大簡化操作程序 - 支援最新PictBridge (Wireless LAN)數碼相機無線相片打印技術 - ChromaLife 100相片能保存於相簿長達100年*5 - My Image Garden軟件支援全高清短片打*6及臉孔偵測功能作相片管理 - 智能自動相片修正功能 - 趣味濾鏡打印支援魚眼、模型、玩具相機及柔焦鏡效果 - 高速4R無邊相片打印只需約41秒(標準模式) | 代用耗材: 1771,1772,1773,1774 *打印張數: 黑色:250,彩色C/M/Y:各250 |
Epson Expression Premium XP-621 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1409 | • 打印速度每分鐘32頁 (黑白 / 彩色) • 5,760 x 1,400 dpi 高列印解像度 • 1,200 x 2,400dpi 掃描解像度 • 新世代型格設計 • 5 色獨立墨盒設計 • 自動雙面打印 • 支援 Wi-Fi 無線網絡打印分享 • 2.7 吋輕觸式屏幕 • 插卡即印個人靚相,以及印製 CD 封面 | 代用耗材: T2551 BK,T2561 PBK,T2562 C,T2563 M,T2564 Y *打印張數: 黑色:350,彩色C/M/Y:各450 |
Epson Expression Premium XP-821 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1938 | • 打印速度每分鐘32頁 (黑白 / 彩色) • 5,760 x 1,400 dpi 高列印解像度 • 4,800 x 4,800 dpi 掃描解像度 • 新世代型格設計 • 5 色獨立墨盒設計 • 自動雙面打印 • 支援以太網, Wi-Fi 無線網絡打印分享 • 4.3” 吋輕觸式屏幕 • 插卡即印個人靚相,以及印製 CD 封面 • 黑白 / 彩色傳真功能 • 30頁自動送紙器 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/Epson/ink-1680-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 黑色:350,彩色C/M/Y:各450 |
Epson Ciss L365 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1179 | 0 | 代用耗材: T6641,T6642,T6643,T6644 *打印張數: 黑色:4000,彩色C/M/Y:各6500 |
Epson Ciss L455 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1439 | • 打印速度高達每分鐘33頁(黑白) / 15頁(彩色) • 達至5,760 x 1,440 dpi 打印解像度,3微微升墨點 • 4色獨立墨瓶設計,經濟又環保,每支只需HK$68 • 1.44” 彩色顯示屏 • 支援SD卡,直接打印,毋需經過電腦 • 支援iPrint, AirPrint, Google Cloud Print, Creative Print 及WiFi Direct • 一年上門維修保養 *以上數據是以ISO24712 Test Suite測試樣本計算。 | 代用耗材: T6641,T6642,T6643,T6644 *打印張數: 黑色:4000,彩色C/M/Y:各6500 |
Epson Ciss L850 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2547 | 0 | 代用耗材: T6731,T6732,T6733,T6734,T6735,T6736 *打印張數: 黑色:3000,彩色C/M/Y:各5400 |
Epson WorkForce WF-7621 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $3289 | A3+ (13” x 19”) 大幅面打印尺寸文件及相片打印 支援A3自動雙面打印及A3雙面掃描 電腦收發傳真 打印速度高達每分鐘32頁(黑白) / 20頁(彩色) WiFi及網絡打印,更支援Epson Email Print, Epson iPrint and 雲端打印 35頁自動文件傳送器 記憶咭, USB記憶棒 直接打印,支援掃描至記憶咭, USB記憶棒 達至4,800 x 2,400 dpi 打印解像度,2.8微微升墨點 DURABrite Ultra墨水打印成品防水抗光 特設 Job Arranger Lite軟件,可將不同程式的檔案整合,並自由調配版面然後列印 4色獨立墨盒設計,經濟又環保 | 代用耗材: T1881~T1884 $180/1套4色 *打印張數: 黑色:2200 彩色:1100 |
Epson WorkForce WF-2631 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $599 | 打 印 速 度 每 分 鐘 34 頁(黑 白) / 18 頁 (彩 色) 打 印, 影 印, 掃 瞄, 傳 真 四 合 一 5,760 x 1,440 dpi 最 高 列 印 解 像 度 1,200 x 1,400 dpi 掃 描 解 像 度 4 色 獨 立 墨 盒 設 計 及 設 高 容 量 黑 色 墨 盒 可 供 選 擇 方 便 操 作 2.2 吋 LCD 螢 幕 高 速 USB 2.0、802.11b/g/n 無 線 網 絡 卡 支 援 Wi-Fi 無 線 網 絡, Wi-Fi Direct直 接 打 印 及 雲 端 打 印 技 術 - Epson iPrint, Epson Connect Email Print, Airprint & Google Cloud Print 自 動 文 件 傳 送 器, 可 盛 放 多 達 30 頁 A4 文 件 革 新 DURABrite Ultra 墨 水,墨水粒子獨有透明保護層,提供超卓防水、抗光及抗臭氧能力 | 代用耗材: T1931~T1934 $150/10盒 *打印張數: 黑色:250 彩色C/M/Y各:250 |
Epson WorkForce WF-2651 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $879 | 自動雙面打印,影印,掃瞄,傳真 4,800x1,200dpi最高列印解像度 1,200x1,400dpi掃描解像度 4色獨立墨盒設計及設高容量黑色墨盒可供選擇 方便操作2.2吋LCD螢幕 高速USB2.0、802.11b/g/n無線網絡卡 支援Wi-Fi無線網絡,Wi-FiDirect直接打印及雲端打印技術-EpsoniPrint,Epson ConnectEmailPrint, Airprint&GoogleCloudPrint 自動文件傳送器,可盛放多達30頁A4文件 革新DURABriteUltra墨水,墨水粒子獨有透明保護層,提供超卓防水、抗光及抗臭氧能力 | 代用耗材: T1931~T1934 $150/10盒 *打印張數: 黑色:250 彩色C/M/Y各:250 |
Epson WorkForce WF-2661 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1108 | • 使用PrecisionCore墨頭,打印質素,媲美鐳射打印機 • 打印速度每分鐘33頁(黑白)/20頁(彩色) • 自動雙面打印,影印,掃瞄,傳真 • 4,800x1,200dpi最高列印解像度 • 1,200x1,400dpi掃描解像度 • 4色獨立墨盒設計及設高容量黑色墨盒可供選擇 • 方便操作2.7吋LCD螢幕 • 高速USB2.0、802.11b/g/n無線網絡卡 • 支援以太網,NFC一拍即印功能,Wi-Fi無線網絡,Wi-FiDirect直接打印及雲端打印技術-EpsoniPrint,EpsonConnectEmailPrint,Airprint&GoogleCloudPrint • 自動文件傳送器,可盛放多達30頁A4文件 • 革新DURABriteUltra墨水,墨水粒子獨有透明保護層,提供超卓防水、抗光及抗臭氧能力
| 代用耗材: T1931~T1934 $150/10盒 *打印張數: 黑色:250 彩色C/M/Y各:250 |
Epson WorkForce WF-3621 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1619 | • 使用PrecisionCore墨頭,打印質素,媲美鐳射打印機 • 打印速度每分鐘33頁(黑白)/20頁(彩色) • 自動雙面打印,影印,掃瞄,傳真 • 4,800x1,200dpi最高列印解像度 • 1,200x1,400dpi掃描解像度 • 4色獨立墨盒設計及設高容量黑色墨盒可供選擇 • 方便操作2.7吋LCD螢幕 • 高速USB2.0、802.11b/g/n無線網絡卡 • 支援以太網,NFC一拍即印功能,Wi-Fi無線網絡,Wi-FiDirect直接打印及雲端打印技術-EpsoniPrint,EpsonConnectEmailPrint,Airprint&GoogleCloudPrint • 自動文件傳送器,可盛放多達30頁A4文件 • 革新DURABriteUltra墨水,墨水粒子獨有透明保護層,提供超卓防水、抗光及抗臭氧能力
| 代用耗材: T1881~T1884 $180/1套4色 *打印張數: 黑色:2200 彩色C/M/Y各:1100 |
Epson Ciss L805 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2239 | 0 | 代用耗材: T6731,T6732,T6733,T6734,T6735,T6736 请咨询客服 *打印張數: 黑色:6000 彩色:6500 |
Epson Expression Home XP-225 多功能彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $599 | 0 | 代用耗材: T1771,T1772,T1773,T1774 *打印張數: 黑色:250,彩色:250 |
HP EUR Europe 303 303XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $278 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy Photo 6220 # HP Envy Photo 6230 # HP Envy Photo 6232 HP Envy Photo 7120 # HP Envy Photo 7130 # HP Envy Photo 7132 # HP Envy Photo 7134 # HP Envy Photo 7137 # HP Envy Photo 7820 # HP Envy Photo 7830 # HP Envy Photo 7832 HP Tango/HP Tango X HP ENVY 7920e # HP ENVY 7921 # HP ENVY 7921e # HP ENVY 7922 # HP ENVY 7922e # HP ENVY 7924e HP ENVY Inspire 7220e # HP ENVY Inspire 7221 # HP ENVY Inspire 7221e # HP ENVY Inspire 7224e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 304 304XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $228 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 3720 # HP DeskJet 3730 # HP DeskJet 3733 # HP DeskJet 3735 HP DeskJet 2620 # HP DeskJet 2630 # HP DeskJet 2632 # HP DeskJet 2633 # HP DeskJet 2634 HP ENVY 5010 # HP ENVY 5020 # HP ENVY 5030 # HP ENVY 5032 # HP ENVY 5055 HP AMP 120 # HP AMP 131 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 302 302XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $278 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 # HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2131 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP Deskjet 2133 # HP Deskjet 2134 # HP Deskjet 2136 # HP Deskjet 3630 # HP Deskjet 3632 # HP Deskjet 3633 # HP Deskjet 3634 # HP Deskjet 3636 # HP Deskjet 3637 # HP Deskjet 3638 HP OfficeJet 3830 # HP OfficeJet 3831 # HP OfficeJet 3832 # HP OfficeJet 3833 # HP OfficeJet 3834 # HP OfficeJet 3835 # HP OfficeJet 4650 # HP OfficeJet 4651 # HP OfficeJet 4652 # HP OfficeJet 4653 # HP OfficeJet 4654 # HP OfficeJet 4655 # HP OfficeJet 4656 # HP OfficeJet 4657 # HP OfficeJet 4658 HP ENVY 4520 # HP ENVY 4521 # HP ENVY 4522 # HP ENVY 4523 # HP ENVY 4524 # HP ENVY 4525 # HP ENVY 4526 # HP ENVY 4527 HP OfficeJet 5220 # HP OfficeJet 5230 # HP OfficeJet 5232 # HP OfficeJet 5255 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 300 300XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $228 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet D1660 # HP Deskjet D2660 # HP Deskjet D5560 HP Deskjet F2420 # HP Deskjet F2480 # HP Deskjet F4210 # HP Deskjet F4272 # HP Deskjet F4280 # HP Deskjet F4580 All-in-One HP ENVY 100 # HP ENVY 110 # HP ENVY 114 # HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One HP Photosmart C4680 # HP Photosmart C4780 All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LA Latin America 662 662XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $400 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1015 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2546 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2645 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2646 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2516 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3546 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4645 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LA Latin America 667 667XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $285 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1275 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2374 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2375 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2376 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2775 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2776 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage Plus 6475 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage Plus 6476 HP DeskJet Plus Ink Advantage 6075 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LA Latin America 664 664XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $205 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1118 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2136 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2138 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3636 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3776 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3786 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3788 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3790 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3836 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4536 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4676 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2636 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2675 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2676 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2677 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2678 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5075 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5275 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 805 805XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $225 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 1210 # HP DeskJet 1212 # HP DeskJet 2330 # HP DeskJet 2332 # HP DeskJet 2333 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2722 # HP DeskJet 2723 # HP DeskJet 2729 HP DeskJet Plus 4120 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 680 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $310 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 3638 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1118 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2138 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3636 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3775 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3776 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3777 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3778 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3779 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3835 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3838 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4538 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4675 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4678 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2675 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2676 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2677 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2678 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5078 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5088 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5278
| 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 305 305XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4130 HP DeskJet 2320 # HP DeskJet 2710 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2723 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 305 305XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4130 HP DeskJet 2320 # HP DeskJet 2710 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2723 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AU Australia 63 63XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $360 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 # HP Deskjet 1113 # HP Deskjet 1114 # HP Deskjet 1115 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2131 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP Deskjet 2133 # HP Deskjet 2134 # HP Deskjet 2135 # HP Deskjet 2136 # HP Deskjet 2137 HP Deskjet 3630 # HP Deskjet 3631 # HP Deskjet 3632 # HP Deskjet 3633 # HP Deskjet 3634 # HP Deskjet 3636 # HP Deskjet 3637 HP OfficeJet 3830 # HP OfficeJet 3831 # HP OfficeJet 3832 # HP OfficeJet 3833 # HP OfficeJet 3834 HP OfficeJet 4650 # HP OfficeJet 4652 # HP OfficeJet 4654 # HP OfficeJet 4655 # HP OfficeJet 4657 HP ENVY 4512 # HP ENVY 4520 # HP ENVY 4522 # HP ENVY 4523 # HP ENVY 4524 # HP ENVY 4525 HP OfficeJet 5200 # HP OfficeJet 5220 # HP OfficeJet 5255 # HP OfficeJet 5258 HP AMP 125 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AU Australia 61 61XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1050 410a # HP Deskjet 2050 J510a # HP Deskjet 3050 J610a HP Deskjet 2000 J210a HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2510 # HP Deskjet 2060 HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 3000 J310a HP Deskjet 2540 # HP Deskjet 2541 # HP Deskjet 2542 # HP Deskjet 2545 # HP Deskjet 2546R # HP Deskjet 2547 # HP Deskjet 2548 # HP Deskjet 2549 # HP Deskjet 3512 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621 HP Officejet 4630 # HP Officejet 4632 # HP Officejet 4634 # HP Officejet 4635 # HP Officejet 4636 # HP Officejet 4639 # HP Officejet 4640 HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 4504 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 305 305XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $173 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 1255 # HP DeskJet 2710 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2722 # HP DeskJet 2723 # HP DeskJet 2724 # HP DeskJet 2725 # HP DeskJet 2726 # HP DeskJet 2727 # HP DeskJet 2729 # HP DeskJet 2732 # HP DeskJet 2733 # HP DeskJet 2734 # HP DeskJet 2735 # HP DeskJet 2736 # HP DeskJet 2737 # HP DeskJet 2742 # HP DeskJet 2752 # HP DeskJet 2755 # HP DeskJet 2765 # HP DeskJet 2772 # HP DeskJet 2774 HP DeskJet 2300 series HP ENVY 6010 # HP ENVY 6012 # HP ENVY 6020 # HP ENVY 6022 # HP ENVY 6030 # HP ENVY 6032 # HP ENVY 6052 # HP ENVY 6055 # HP ENVY 6058 # HP ENVY 6066 # HP ENVY 6067 # HP ENVY 6069 # HP ENVY 6072 # HP ENVY 6075 # HP ENVY 6078 HP ENVY Pro 6410 # HP ENVY Pro 6412 # HP ENVY Pro 6420 # HP ENVY Pro 6422 # HP ENVY Pro 6432 # HP ENVY Pro 6452 # HP ENVY Pro 6455 # HP ENVY Pro 6458 # HP ENVY Pro 6464 # HP ENVY Pro 6466 # HP ENVY Pro 6467 # HP ENVY Pro 6469 # HP ENVY Pro 6472 # HP ENVY Pro 6475 # HP ENVY Pro 6478 HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4125 # HP DeskJet Plus 4130 # HP DeskJet Plus 4132 # HP DeskJet Plus 4133 # HP DeskJet Plus 4135 # HP DeskJet Plus 4136 # HP DeskJet Plus 4140 # HP DeskJet Plus 4152 # HP DeskJet Plus 4155 # HP DeskJet Plus 4158 # HP DeskJet Plus 4165 # HP DeskJet Plus 4168 # HP DeskJet Plus 4172 # HP DeskJet Plus 4175 HP DeskJet 2710e # HP DeskJet 2720e # HP DeskJet 4120e # HP DeskJet 4130e HP ENVY 6032e # HP ENVY 6432e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 662 662XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型: HP DeskJet 1255 # HP DeskJet 2331 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2722 # HP DeskJet 2723 # HP DeskJet 2724 # HP DeskJet 2725 # HP DeskJet 2726 # HP DeskJet 2727 # HP DeskJet 2729 # HP DeskJet 2732 # HP DeskJet 2733 # HP DeskJet 2734 # HP DeskJet 2735 # HP DeskJet 2736 # HP DeskJet 2737 # HP DeskJet 2742 # HP DeskJet 2752 # HP DeskJet 2755 # HP DeskJet 2765 # HP DeskJet 2772 # HP DeskJet 2774 HP ENVY 6010 # HP ENVY 6012 # HP ENVY 6020 # HP ENVY 6022 # HP ENVY 6030 # HP ENVY 6032 # HP ENVY 6034 # HP ENVY 6052 # HP ENVY 6055 # HP ENVY 6058 # HP ENVY 6066 # HP ENVY 6067 # HP ENVY 6069 # HP ENVY 6072 # HP ENVY 6075 # HP ENVY 6078 HP ENVY Pro 6410 # HP ENVY Pro 6412 # HP ENVY Pro 6420 # HP ENVY Pro 6422 # HP ENVY Pro 6430 # HP ENVY Pro 6452 # HP ENVY Pro 6455 # HP ENVY Pro 6458 # HP ENVY Pro 6464 # HP ENVY Pro 6466 # HP ENVY Pro 6467 # HP ENVY Pro 6469 # HP ENVY Pro 6472 # HP ENVY Pro 6475 # HP ENVY Pro 6478 HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4121 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4125 # HP DeskJet Plus 4132 # HP DeskJet Plus 4133 # HP DeskJet Plus 4135 # HP DeskJet Plus 4136 # HP DeskJet Plus 4140 # HP DeskJet Plus 4152 # HP DeskJet Plus 4155 # HP DeskJet Plus 4158 # HP DeskJet Plus 4165 # HP DeskJet Plus 4168 # HP DeskJet Plus 4172 # HP DeskJet Plus 4175 HP ENVY 6020e # HP ENVY 6055e # HP ENVY 6455e HP DeskJet 4155e HP DeskJet Plus 4123e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 64 64XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $211 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy Photo 6252 # HP Envy Photo 6255 # HP Envy Photo 6258 HP Envy Photo 7155 # HP Envy Photo 7158 # HP Envy Photo 7164 # HP Envy Photo 7855 # HP Envy Photo 7858 # HP Envy Photo 7864 HP Tango # HP Tango X HP ENVY Inspire 7200e # HP ENVY Inspire 7255e # HP ENVY Inspire 7955e # HP ENVY Inspire 7958e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 65 65XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $320 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 3720 # HP DeskJet 3721 # HP DeskJet 3722 # HP DeskJet 3723 # HP DeskJet 3724 # HP DeskJet 3752 # HP DeskJet 3755 # HP DeskJet 3758 HP DeskJet 2220 # HP DeskJet 2255 # HP DeskJet 2621 # HP DeskJet 2622 # HP DeskJet 2624 # HP DeskJet 2625 # HP DeskJet 2652 # HP DeskJet 2655 HP ENVY 5012 # HP ENVY 5020 # HP ENVY 5030 # HP ENVY 5032 # HP ENVY 5034 # HP ENVY 5055 # HP ENVY 5070 HP AMP 100 # HP AMP 130 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 63 63XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 # HP Deskjet 1113 # HP Deskjet 1114 # HP Deskjet 1115 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2131 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP Deskjet 2133 # HP Deskjet 2134 # HP Deskjet 2135 # HP Deskjet 2136 # HP Deskjet 2137 HP Deskjet 3630 # HP Deskjet 3631 # HP Deskjet 3632 # HP Deskjet 3633 # HP Deskjet 3634 # HP Deskjet 3636 # HP Deskjet 3637 HP OfficeJet 3830 # HP OfficeJet 3831 # HP OfficeJet 3832 # HP OfficeJet 3833 # HP OfficeJet 3834 HP OfficeJet 4650 # HP OfficeJet 4652 # HP OfficeJet 4654 # HP OfficeJet 4655 # HP OfficeJet 4657 HP ENVY 4512 # HP ENVY 4520 # HP ENVY 4522 # HP ENVY 4523 # HP ENVY 4524 # HP ENVY 4525 HP OfficeJet 5200 # HP OfficeJet 5220 # HP OfficeJet 5255 # HP OfficeJet 5258 HP AMP 125 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 60 60XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $195 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet D2500 # HP Deskjet D2530 # HP Deskjet D2545 # HP Deskjet D2560 HP DeskJet F4200 All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 61 61XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1050 410a # HP Deskjet 2050 J510a # HP Deskjet 3050 J610a HP Deskjet 2000 J210a HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2510 # HP Deskjet 2060 HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 3000 J310a HP Deskjet 2540 # HP Deskjet 2541 # HP Deskjet 2542 # HP Deskjet 2545 # HP Deskjet 2546R # HP Deskjet 2547 # HP Deskjet 2548 # HP Deskjet 2549 # HP Deskjet 3512 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621 HP Officejet 4630 # HP Officejet 4632 # HP Officejet 4634 #HP Officejet 4635 # HP Officejet 4636 # HP Officejet 4639 # HP Officejet 4640 HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 4504 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 662 662XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1015 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2546 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2645 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2646 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2516 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3546 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4645 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP WW World Wide 901 901XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $220 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP OFFICEJET J4500 # HP OFFICEJET J4580 # HP OFFICEJET J4660 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 122 122XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $564 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 1050 # HP Deskjet 1050A # HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2000 # HP Deskjet 2050s # HP Deskjet 2050 HP Deskjet 3050 # HP Deskjet 3050A HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 All-in-One HP Deskjet 3000 Printer series - J310 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621All-in-One HP Officejet 4630 e-All-in-One HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 122 122XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $564 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 1050 # HP Deskjet 1050A # HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2000 # HP Deskjet 2050s # HP Deskjet 2050 HP Deskjet 3050 # HP Deskjet 3050A HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 All-in-One HP Deskjet 3000 Printer series - J310 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621All-in-One HP Officejet 4630 e-All-in-One HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 121 121XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet D1660 # HP Deskjet D2530 # HP Deskjet D2545 # HP Deskjet D2560 # HP Deskjet D2660 # HP Deskjet D2680 # HP Deskjet D5560 HP Deskjet F2430 # HP Deskjet F2440 # HP Deskjet F2483 # HP Deskjet F4240 # HP Deskjet F4280 # HP Deskjet F4283 # HP Deskjet F4435 # HP Deskjet F4440 # HP Deskjet F4480 # HP Deskjet F4580 # HP Deskjet F4583 All-In-One HP Envy 110 # HP Envy 114 # HP Envy 120 e-All-In-One HP Photosmart C4635 # HP Photosmart C4640 # HP Photosmart C4650 # HP Photosmart C4680 # HP Photosmart C4683 # HP Photosmart C4740 # HP Photosmart C4750 # HP Photosmart C4780 # HP Photosmart C4795 All-In-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AP 804 804XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $286 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy Photo 6220 # HP Envy Photo 6222 # HP Envy Photo 7120 # HP Envy Photo 7820 # HP Envy Photo 7822 HP Tango / HP Tango X | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 652 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1118 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2138 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3775 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3785 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3787 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3835 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3855 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4675 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5075 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5275 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 652 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1118 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2138 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3775 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3785 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3787 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3835 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3855 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4675 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5075 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5275 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 123 123XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $500 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP DeskJet 2630 HP Officejet 5255 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 123 123XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $500 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP DeskJet 2630 HP Officejet 5255 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP WW World Wide62 62XL 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $335 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy 5540 # HP Envy 5542 # HP Envy 5545 # HP Envy 5547 # HP Envy 5549 # HP Envy 5640 # HP Envy 5642 # HP Envy 5660 # HP Envy 7640 # HP Envy 7645 # HP Envy 8000 HP Officejet 5740 # HP Officejet 5741 # HP Officejet 5742 # HP Officejet 5743 # HP Officejet 5744 # HP Officejet 5745 # HP Officejet 5746 e-All-In-One HP Officejet 200 # HP Officejet 200c # HP Officejet 202 # HP Officejet 202c # HP Officejet 250 Mobile All-In-One Printer HP Officejet 8040 with Neat® e-All-In-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 651 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5575 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5645 All-In-One HP Officejet 202 # HP Officejet 252 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 651 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5575 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5645 All-In-One HP Officejet 202 # HP Officejet 252 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 704 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2010 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AP Asia-Pacific 46 純黑白噴墨打印機 | | HKD $215 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2020hc HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 2029 # HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 2529 # HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 5738 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2520hc All-in-One HP Deskjet 4729 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AP Asia-Pacific 46 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $215 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2020hc HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 2029 # HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 2529 # HP DeskJet Ultra Ink Advantage 5738 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2520hc All-in-One HP Deskjet 4729 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 704 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $250 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2010 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 651 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5575 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5645 All-In-One HP Officejet 202 # HP Officejet 252 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 651 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5575 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 5645 All-In-One HP Officejet 202 # HP Officejet 252 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 123 123XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $500 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP DeskJet 2630 HP Officejet 5255 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 123 123XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $500 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP DeskJet 2630 HP Officejet 5255 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP WW World Wide62 62XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $358 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy 5540 # HP Envy 5542 # HP Envy 5545 # HP Envy 5547 # HP Envy 5549 # HP Envy 5640 # HP Envy 5642 # HP Envy 5660 # HP Envy 7640 # HP Envy 7645 # HP Envy 8000 HP Officejet 5740 # HP Officejet 5741 # HP Officejet 5742 # HP Officejet 5743 # HP Officejet 5744 # HP Officejet 5745 # HP Officejet 5746 e-All-In-One HP Officejet 200 # HP Officejet 200c # HP Officejet 202 # HP Officejet 202c # HP Officejet 250 Mobile All-In-One Printer HP Officejet 8040 with Neat® e-All-In-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AP 804 804XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $316 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy Photo 6220 # HP Envy Photo 6222 # HP Envy Photo 7120 # HP Envy Photo 7820 # HP Envy Photo 7822 HP Tango / HP Tango X | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 652 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1118 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2138 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3775 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3785 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3787 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3835 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3855 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4675 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5075 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5275 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 652 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1118 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2138 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3775 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3785 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3787 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3835 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 3855 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4675 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5075 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5275 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 121 121XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet D1660 # HP Deskjet D2530 # HP Deskjet D2545 # HP Deskjet D2560 # HP Deskjet D2660 # HP Deskjet D2680 # HP Deskjet D5560 HP Deskjet F2430 # HP Deskjet F2440 # HP Deskjet F2483 # HP Deskjet F4240 # HP Deskjet F4280 # HP Deskjet F4283 # HP Deskjet F4435 # HP Deskjet F4440 # HP Deskjet F4480 # HP Deskjet F4580 # HP Deskjet F4583 All-In-One HP Envy 110 # HP Envy 114 # HP Envy 120 e-All-In-One HP Photosmart C4635 # HP Photosmart C4640 # HP Photosmart C4650 # HP Photosmart C4680 # HP Photosmart C4683 # HP Photosmart C4740 # HP Photosmart C4750 # HP Photosmart C4780 # HP Photosmart C4795 All-In-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 122 122XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $564 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 1050 # HP Deskjet 1050A # HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2000 # HP Deskjet 2050s # HP Deskjet 2050 HP Deskjet 3050 # HP Deskjet 3050A HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 All-in-One HP Deskjet 3000 Printer series - J310 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621All-in-One HP Officejet 4630 e-All-in-One HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 122 122XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $564 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 1050 # HP Deskjet 1050A # HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2000 # HP Deskjet 2050s # HP Deskjet 2050 HP Deskjet 3050 # HP Deskjet 3050A HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2060 All-in-One HP Deskjet 3000 Printer series - J310 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621All-in-One HP Officejet 4630 e-All-in-One HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP WW World Wide 901 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $150 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP OFFICEJET J4500 # HP OFFICEJET J4580 # HP OFFICEJET J4660 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 801 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $154 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Photosmart D7300 # HP Photosmart D7100 # HP Photosmart D6100 # HP Photosmart C7100 # HP Photosmart C6100 # HP Photosmart C5100 # HP Photosmart 8200 # HP Photosmart 3100 series | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 685 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $90 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4615 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4625 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5525 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 6525 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 662 662XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $180 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1015 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2546 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2645 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2646 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2516 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3546 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4645 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 61 61XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1050 410a # HP Deskjet 2050 J510a # HP Deskjet 3050 J610a HP Deskjet 2000 J210a HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2510 # HP Deskjet 2060 HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 3000 J310a HP Deskjet 2540 # HP Deskjet 2541 # HP Deskjet 2542 # HP Deskjet 2545 # HP Deskjet 2546R # HP Deskjet 2547 # HP Deskjet 2548 # HP Deskjet 2549 # HP Deskjet 3512 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621 HP Officejet 4630 # HP Officejet 4632 # HP Officejet 4634 # HP Officejet 4635 # HP Officejet 4636 # HP Officejet 4639 # HP Officejet 4640 HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 4504 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 60 60XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $195 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet D2500 # HP Deskjet D2530 # HP Deskjet D2545 # HP Deskjet D2560 HP DeskJet F4200 All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 63 63XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $320 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 #HP Deskjet 1112 # HP Deskjet 1113 # HP Deskjet 1114 # HP Deskjet 1115 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2131 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP Deskjet 2133 # HP Deskjet 2134 # HP Deskjet 2135 # HP Deskjet 2136 # HP Deskjet 2137 HP Deskjet 3630 # HP Deskjet 3631 # HP Deskjet 3632 # HP Deskjet 3633 # HP Deskjet 3634 # HP Deskjet 3636 # HP Deskjet 3637 HP OfficeJet 3830 # HP OfficeJet 3831 # HP OfficeJet 3832 # HP OfficeJet 3833 # HP OfficeJet 3834 HP OfficeJet 4650 # HP OfficeJet 4652 # HP OfficeJet 4654 # HP OfficeJet 4655 # HP OfficeJet 4657 HP ENVY 4512 # HP ENVY 4520 # HP ENVY 4522 # HP ENVY 4523 # HP ENVY 4524 # HP ENVY 4525 HP OfficeJet 5200 # HP OfficeJet 5220 # HP OfficeJet 5255 # HP OfficeJet 5258 HP AMP 125 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 65 65XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $320 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服 適用機型:HP DeskJet 3720 # HP DeskJet 3721 # HP DeskJet 3722 # HP DeskJet 3723 # HP DeskJet 3724 # HP DeskJet 3752 # HP DeskJet 3755 # HP DeskJet 3758 HP DeskJet 2220 # HP DeskJet 2255 # HP DeskJet 2621 # HP DeskJet 2622 # HP DeskJet 2624 # HP DeskJet 2625 # HP DeskJet 2652 # HP DeskJet 2655 HP ENVY 5012 # HP ENVY 5020 # HP ENVY 5030 # HP ENVY 5032 # HP ENVY 5034 # HP ENVY 5055 # HP ENVY 5070 HP AMP 100 # HP AMP 130 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 64 64XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy Photo 6252 # HP Envy Photo 6255 # HP Envy Photo 6258 # HP Envy Photo 7155 # HP Envy Photo 7158 # HP Envy Photo 7164 # HP Envy Photo 7855 # HP Envy Photo 7858 # HP Envy Photo 7864 HP Tango # HP Tango X HP ENVY Inspire 7200e # HP ENVY Inspire 7255e # HP ENVY Inspire 7955e # HP ENVY Inspire 7958e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP US United States 67 67XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型: HP DeskJet 1255 # HP DeskJet 2331 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2722 # HP DeskJet 2723 # HP DeskJet 2724 # HP DeskJet 2725 # HP DeskJet 2726 # HP DeskJet 2727 # HP DeskJet 2729 # HP DeskJet 2732 # HP DeskJet 2733 # HP DeskJet 2734 # HP DeskJet 2735 # HP DeskJet 2736 # HP DeskJet 2737 # HP DeskJet 2742 # HP DeskJet 2752 # HP DeskJet 2755 # HP DeskJet 2765 # HP DeskJet 2772 # HP DeskJet 2774 HP ENVY 6010 # HP ENVY 6012 # HP ENVY 6020 # HP ENVY 6022 # HP ENVY 6030 # HP ENVY 6032 # HP ENVY 6034 # HP ENVY 6052 # HP ENVY 6055 # HP ENVY 6058 # HP ENVY 6066 # HP ENVY 6067 # HP ENVY 6069 # HP ENVY 6072 # HP ENVY 6075 # HP ENVY 6078 HP ENVY Pro 6410 # HP ENVY Pro 6412 # HP ENVY Pro 6420 # HP ENVY Pro 6422 # HP ENVY Pro 6430 # HP ENVY Pro 6452 # HP ENVY Pro 6455 # HP ENVY Pro 6458 # HP ENVY Pro 6464 # HP ENVY Pro 6466 # HP ENVY Pro 6467 # HP ENVY Pro 6469 # HP ENVY Pro 6472 # HP ENVY Pro 6475 # HP ENVY Pro 6478 HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4121 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4125 # HP DeskJet Plus 4132 # HP DeskJet Plus 4133 # HP DeskJet Plus 4135 # HP DeskJet Plus 4136 # HP DeskJet Plus 4140 # HP DeskJet Plus 4152 # HP DeskJet Plus 4155 # HP DeskJet Plus 4158 # HP DeskJet Plus 4165 # HP DeskJet Plus 4168 # HP DeskJet Plus 4172 # HP DeskJet Plus 4175 HP ENVY 6020e # HP ENVY 6055e # HP ENVY 6455e HP DeskJet 4155e HP DeskJet Plus 4123e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AU Australia 61 61XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1050 410a # HP Deskjet 2050 J510a # HP Deskjet 3050 J610a HP Deskjet 2000 J210a HP Deskjet 1510 # HP Deskjet 2510 # HP Deskjet 2060 HP Deskjet 1000 J110a # HP Deskjet 3000 J310a HP Deskjet 2540 # HP Deskjet 2541 # HP Deskjet 2542 # HP Deskjet 2545 # HP Deskjet 2546R # HP Deskjet 2547 # HP Deskjet 2548 # HP Deskjet 2549 # HP Deskjet 3512 HP Officejet 2620 # HP Officejet 2621 HP Officejet 4630 # HP Officejet 4632 # HP Officejet 4634 # HP Officejet 4635 # HP Officejet 4636 # HP Officejet 4639 # HP Officejet 4640 HP ENVY 4500 # HP ENVY 4504 # HP ENVY 5530 e-All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AU Australia 63 63XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $380 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 # HP Deskjet 1113 # HP Deskjet 1114 # HP Deskjet 1115 HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2131 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP Deskjet 2133 # HP Deskjet 2134 # HP Deskjet 2135 # HP Deskjet 2136 # HP Deskjet 2137 HP Deskjet 3630 # HP Deskjet 3631 # HP Deskjet 3632 # HP Deskjet 3633 # HP Deskjet 3634 # HP Deskjet 3636 # HP Deskjet 3637 HP OfficeJet 3830 # HP OfficeJet 3831 # HP OfficeJet 3832 # HP OfficeJet 3833 # HP OfficeJet 3834 HP OfficeJet 4650 # HP OfficeJet 4652 # HP OfficeJet 4654 # HP OfficeJet 4655 # HP OfficeJet 4657 HP ENVY 4512 # HP ENVY 4520 # HP ENVY 4522 # HP ENVY 4523 # HP ENVY 4524 # HP ENVY 4525 HP OfficeJet 5200 # HP OfficeJet 5220 # HP OfficeJet 5255 # HP OfficeJet 5258 HP AMP 125 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP ME Middle East 305 305XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4130 HP DeskJet 2320 # HP DeskJet 2710 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2723 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP AF Afghanistan 305 305XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $200 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4130 HP DeskJet 2320 # HP DeskJet 2710 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2723 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 680 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 3638 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1118 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2138 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3636 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3775 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3776 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3777 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3778 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3779 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3835 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3838 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4538 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4675 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4678 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2675 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2676 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2677 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2678 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5078 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5088 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5278
| 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP CHN China 805 805XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $230 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 1210 # HP DeskJet 1212 # HP DeskJet 2330 # HP DeskJet 2332 # HP DeskJet 2333 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2722 # HP DeskJet 2723 # HP DeskJet 2729 HP DeskJet Plus 4120 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LA Latin America 664 664XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1115 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1118 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2135 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2136 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2138 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3635 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3636 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3776 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3786 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3788 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3790 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3836 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4535 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4536 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4676 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2636 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2675 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2676 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2677 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2678 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5075 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 5275 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LA Latin America 667 667XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $285 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 1275 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2374 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2375 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2376 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2775 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2776 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage Plus 6475 # HP DeskJet Ink Advantage Plus 6476 HP DeskJet Plus Ink Advantage 6075 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LA Latin America 662 662XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $400 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1015 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2546 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2645 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2646 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2516 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3515 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3516 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545 # HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3546 HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4645 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 300 300XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $231 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet D1660 # HP Deskjet D2660 # HP Deskjet D5560 HP Deskjet F2420 # HP Deskjet F2480 # HP Deskjet F4210 # HP Deskjet F4272 # HP Deskjet F4280 # HP Deskjet F4580 All-in-One HP ENVY 100 # HP ENVY 110 # HP ENVY 114 # HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One HP Photosmart C4680 # HP Photosmart C4780 All-in-One | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 302 302XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $278 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Deskjet 1110 # HP Deskjet 1111 # HP Deskjet 1112 # HP Deskjet 2130 # HP Deskjet 2131 # HP Deskjet 2132 # HP Deskjet 2133 # HP Deskjet 2134 # HP Deskjet 2136 # HP Deskjet 3630 # HP Deskjet 3632 # HP Deskjet 3633 # HP Deskjet 3634 # HP Deskjet 3636 # HP Deskjet 3637 # HP Deskjet 3638 HP OfficeJet 3830 # HP OfficeJet 3831 # HP OfficeJet 3832 # HP OfficeJet 3833 # HP OfficeJet 3834 # HP OfficeJet 3835 # HP OfficeJet 4650 # HP OfficeJet 4651 # HP OfficeJet 4652 # HP OfficeJet 4653 # HP OfficeJet 4654 # HP OfficeJet 4655 # HP OfficeJet 4656 # HP OfficeJet 4657 # HP OfficeJet 4658 HP ENVY 4520 # HP ENVY 4521 # HP ENVY 4522 # HP ENVY 4523 # HP ENVY 4524 # HP ENVY 4525 # HP ENVY 4526 # HP ENVY 4527 HP OfficeJet 5220 # HP OfficeJet 5230 # HP OfficeJet 5232 # HP OfficeJet 5255 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 304 304XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $228 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 3720 # HP DeskJet 3730 # HP DeskJet 3733 # HP DeskJet 3735 HP DeskJet 2620 # HP DeskJet 2630 # HP DeskJet 2632 # HP DeskJet 2633 # HP DeskJet 2634 HP ENVY 5010 # HP ENVY 5020 # HP ENVY 5030 # HP ENVY 5032 # HP ENVY 5055 HP AMP 120 # HP AMP 131 | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 303 303XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $278 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP Envy Photo 6220 # HP Envy Photo 6230 # HP Envy Photo 6232 HP Envy Photo 7120 # HP Envy Photo 7130 # HP Envy Photo 7132 # HP Envy Photo 7134 # HP Envy Photo 7137 HP Envy Photo 7820 # HP Envy Photo 7830 # HP Envy Photo 7832 HP Tango/HP Tango X HP ENVY 7920e # HP ENVY 7921 # HP ENVY 7921e # HP ENVY 7922 # HP ENVY 7922e # HP ENVY 7924e HP ENVY Inspire 7220e # HP ENVY Inspire 7221 # HP ENVY Inspire 7221e # HP ENVY Inspire 7224e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 305 305XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $173 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:HP DeskJet 1255 # HP DeskJet 2710 # HP DeskJet 2720 # HP DeskJet 2721 # HP DeskJet 2722 # HP DeskJet 2723 # HP DeskJet 2724 # HP DeskJet 2725 # HP DeskJet 2726 # HP DeskJet 2727 # HP DeskJet 2729 # HP DeskJet 2732 # HP DeskJet 2733 # HP DeskJet 2734 # HP DeskJet 2735 # HP DeskJet 2736 # HP DeskJet 2737 # HP DeskJet 2742 # HP DeskJet 2752 # HP DeskJet 2755 # HP DeskJet 2765 # HP DeskJet 2772 # HP DeskJet 2774 HP DeskJet 2300 series HP ENVY 6010 # HP ENVY 6012 # HP ENVY 6020 # HP ENVY 6022 # HP ENVY 6030 # HP ENVY 6032 # HP ENVY 6052 # HP ENVY 6055 # HP ENVY 6058 # HP ENVY 6066 # HP ENVY 6067 # HP ENVY 6069 # HP ENVY 6072 # HP ENVY 6075 # HP ENVY 6078 HP ENVY Pro 6410 # HP ENVY Pro 6412 # HP ENVY Pro 6420 # HP ENVY Pro 6422 # HP ENVY Pro 6432 # HP ENVY Pro 6452 # HP ENVY Pro 6455 # HP ENVY Pro 6458 # HP ENVY Pro 6464 # HP ENVY Pro 6466 # HP ENVY Pro 6467 # HP ENVY Pro 6469 # HP ENVY Pro 6472 # HP ENVY Pro 6475 # HP ENVY Pro 6478 HP DeskJet Plus 4120 # HP DeskJet Plus 4122 # HP DeskJet Plus 4125 # HP DeskJet Plus 4130 # HP DeskJet Plus 4132 # HP DeskJet Plus 4133 # HP DeskJet Plus 4135 # HP DeskJet Plus 4136 # HP DeskJet Plus 4140 # HP DeskJet Plus 4152 # HP DeskJet Plus 4155 # HP DeskJet Plus 4158 # HP DeskJet Plus 4165 # HP DeskJet Plus 4168 # HP DeskJet Plus 4172 # HP DeskJet Plus 4175 HP DeskJet 2710e # HP DeskJet 2720e # HP DeskJet 4120e # HP DeskJet 4130e HP ENVY 6032e # HP ENVY 6432e | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of salessubstitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 363 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $210 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP Photosmart D7300 # HP Photosmart D7100 # HP Photosmart D6100 # HP Photosmart C7100 # HP Photosmart C6100 # HP Photosmart C5100 # HP Photosmart 8200 # HP Photosmart 3100 series | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 364 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $122 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One Printer # HP Photosmart 7510 e-AIO-C311a # HP Photosmart Plus AIO # HP Photosmart Pro B8550/B8553 # HP Photosmart C5324 # HP Photosmart C5370 # HP Photosmart C5373 # HP Photosmart C5380 # HP Photosmart C5383 # HP Photosmart C5388 # HP Photosmart C5390 # HP Photosmart C5393 # HP Photosmart C6300 # HP Photosmart C6324 # HP Photosmart C6380 # HP Photosmart D5460 # HP Photosmart D5463 # HP Photosmart D5468 # HP Photosmart B109a/b/c/d AIO # HP Photosmart B109f Special Edition AIO # HP Photosmart B109n/q/a/c/d/e Wireless AIO # HP Photosmart Plus B210a/b/c/e AIO # HP Photosmart Premium C309/a/c/g/h/n AIO # HP Photosmart Premium C310A-AIO # HP Photosmart Premium C310 e-AIO # HP Photosmart Premium FAX C309 AIO # HP Photosmart Premium Fax C309a # HP Photosmart Premium FAX e-AIO C410b # HP Photosmart eStation C510a # HP Photosmart C410b # HP Photosmart 5510 e-AIO B111a/h/c # HP Photosmart 5515 e-All-in-One Printer # HP Photosmart 6510 e-AIO B211b # HP Officejet 4620 e-All-in-One Printer # HP Deskjet 3070A AIO # HP Photosmart plus B209a # HP Photosmart B110a # HP Photosmart B109n | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 364XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $260 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP Photosmart Premium e-All-in-One Printer # HP Photosmart 7510 e-AIO-C311a # HP Photosmart Plus AIO # HP Photosmart Pro B8550/B8553 # HP Photosmart C5324 # HP Photosmart C5370 # HP Photosmart C5373 # HP Photosmart C5380 # HP Photosmart C5383 # HP Photosmart C5388 # HP Photosmart C5390 # HP Photosmart C5393 # HP Photosmart C6300 # HP Photosmart C6324 # HP Photosmart C6380 # HP Photosmart D5460 # HP Photosmart D5463 # HP Photosmart D5468 # HP Photosmart B109a/b/c/d AIO # HP Photosmart B109f Special Edition AIO # HP Photosmart B109n/q/a/c/d/e Wireless AIO # HP Photosmart Plus B210a/b/c/e AIO # HP Photosmart Premium C309/a/c/g/h/n AIO # HP Photosmart Premium C310A-AIO # HP Photosmart Premium C310 e-AIO # HP Photosmart Premium FAX C309 AIO # HP Photosmart Premium Fax C309a # HP Photosmart Premium FAX e-AIO C410b # HP Photosmart eStation C510a # HP Photosmart C410b # HP Photosmart 5510 e-AIO B111a/h/c # HP Photosmart 5515 e-All-in-One Printer # HP Photosmart 6510 e-AIO B211b # HP Officejet 4620 e-All-in-One Printer # HP Deskjet 3070A AIO # HP Photosmart plus B209a # HP Photosmart B110a # HP Photosmart B109n | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 903xl 907xl 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $400 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet 6950 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet 6960 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 6960 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 6970 All-in-One Printer 907xl 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet 6960 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 6960 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 6970 All-in-One Printer | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 953xl 957xl 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $520 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet Pro 7720 Wide Format All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 7730 Wide Format All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 Wide Format All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8210 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8218 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8715 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8718 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8720 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8725 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8728 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8730 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8740 All-in-One Printer 957XL 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet Pro 7720 Wide Format All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 7730 Wide Format All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8210 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8218 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8720 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8725 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8728 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8730 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8740 All-in-One Printer | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 973xl 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $1400 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP Pagewide pro 452dn/dw # HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw # HP PageWide Pro 552dw # HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw/z # HP PageWide Managed P55250dw # HP PageWide Managed MFP P57750dw | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 913 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $640 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP Pagewide 352dw # HP Pagewide MFP 377dw # HP Pagewide pro 452dn/dw # HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw # HP PageWide Pro 552dw # HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw/z # HP PageWide Managed P55250dw # HP PageWide Managed MFP P57750dw | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 991 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $540 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP PageWide Pro MFP 777z # HP PageWide Pro MFP 772dn # HP PageWide Pro 750dw # HP PageWide Color MFP 774dn/dns # HP PageWide Color MFP 779dn/dns # HP PageWide Color 755dn | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 963 963XL 967XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $394 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet Pro 9010 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9012 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9014 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9015 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9016 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9019 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9020 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9022 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9025 All-in-One Printer 697XL 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet Pro 9020 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9022 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 9025 All-in-One Printer | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 912 912xl 917xl 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $300 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet 8012 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet 8014 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet 8015 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet 8017 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8022 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8024 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8025 All-in-One Printer 917XL 適用機型:# HP OfficeJet Pro 8022 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8024 All-in-One Printer # HP OfficeJet Pro 8025 All-in-One Printer | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP EUR Europe 746XL 純彩色噴墨打印機 | | HKD $2100 | 以上圖片僅供參考,本頁面為銷售代用產品報價。購買代用產品請咨詢客服。 適用機型:# HP DesignJet Z9+ Large Format Printer # HP DesignJet Z6 Large Format Printer # HP DesignJet Z6dr Large Format Dual-Roll PostScript® Graphics Printer | 代用耗材: The above pictures are for reference only,this page sells substitute products. This page shows the quotation of sales substitute products Please consult customer service to purchase substitute products. *打印張數: 0 |
HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401d 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2331 | 0 | 代用耗材: CF280A BK $198/盒 *打印張數: 黑2700張 |
HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401n 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2431 | 0 | 代用耗材: CF280A BK $198/盒 *打印張數: 黑2700張 |
HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401dn 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2631 | 0 | 代用耗材: CF280A BK $198/盒 *打印張數: 黑2700張 |
HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401dw 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2831 | 0 | 代用耗材: CF280A BK $198/盒 *打印張數: 黑2700張 |
HP LaserJet Pro MFP M125a 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1129 | - 3合1:打印 / 掃瞄 / 影印 - 打印速度:高達20ppm(黑白) - 打印量(每月,A4):高達 8000 頁 | 代用耗材: CF283A,CF283X BK $178/盒 *打印張數: 黑2200張 |
HP LaserJet Pro P1102 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $869 | - 打印速度:高達18頁 - 每月打印量高達5000頁 - 解像度:高達600x600 dpi | 代用耗材: CE285A BK $168/1盒 *打印張數: 黑色2200頁 |
HP LaserJet Pro P1102w 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1039 | - 打印速度:高達18頁 - 每月打印量高達5000頁 - 無線網絡功能 | 代用耗材: CE285A BK $168/1盒 *打印張數: 黑色2200頁 |
HP LaserJet Pro MFP M127fn 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1360 | 列印,影印,掃描,相片 HP ePrint 雲端打印技術 內建快速以太網網絡埠 彩色影印速度高達17 cpm | 代用耗材: CF283A $178/支 *打印張數: 1600張 |
HP Color Laserjet Pro CP1025nw 純彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1581 | - 打印速度:高達16ppm(黑白),4ppm(彩色) - 每月打印張數高達1,5000張 - 支援 Network 及 WIFI 功能 | 代用耗材: HP 126A $188/1支 *打印張數: 套裝打印4800張 |
HP Color LaserJet Pro M252n 純彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2389 | - 打印速度:高達19ppm - 首頁輸出(就緒):快至11.5秒(黑白),13秒(彩色) - 以太網功能;流動打印功能 | 代用耗材: CF400X-CF403A 代用$328/1支 *打印張數: 黑色:2800 彩色C/M/Y各:1400 |
HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277n 多功能彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $3729 | - 4合1:打印 / 掃描 / 影印 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達18ppm - 以太網功能;流動打印功能
| 代用耗材: CF400X BK/C/M/Y 代用$328/1支 *打印張數: 黑2800張/彩1400張 |
HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277dw 多功能彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $4459 | - 4合1:打印 / 掃描 / 影印 / 傳真 - 打印速度:高達18ppm;自動雙面打印 - 以太網功能;流動打印功能; wifi功能 | 代用耗材: 201A(CF400X - CF403) BK/C/M/Y $328/1支 *打印張數: 黑2800張/彩2300張 |
HP Color Laserjet Pro MFP M177fw 多功能彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2679 | 列印,影印,掃描,相片 HP ePrint 雲端打印技術 802.11b/g/n Wifi 無線列印 自動文件送稿器(ADF)35 頁 | 代用耗材: 130A BK,C,M,Y $188/支 *打印張數: 黑1300張/彩1000張 |
Samsung Xpress M2020W 純黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $551 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1703-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 2000 |
Samsung Xpress M2070 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $781 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1703-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 2000 |
Samsung Xpress M2070F 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $981 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1703-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 2000 |
Samsung Xpress M2070FW 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1181 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1703-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 2000 |
Samsung Xpress M2070W 多功能黑白鐳射打印機 | | HKD $951 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1703-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 2000 |
Samsung SL C410W 純彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $951 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1043-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 黑1500張/彩1000張 |
Samsung SL C460W 多功能彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $1551 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1043-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 黑1500張/彩1000張 |
Samsung SL C460FW 多功能彩色鐳射打印機 | | HKD $2089 | 0 | 代用耗材: http://www.1312vip.com/product/samsung/toner-1043-1.aspx#h *打印張數: 1000張 |
近日有不法分子使用沒有來電顯示的電話號碼,訛稱是麗康墨盒(麗康香港有限公司/Nickong VIP Limited)的職員,並進行特惠推銷。 因此本公司嚴正聲明, 本公司並不會使用 沒有來電顯示的電話 或 使用133(隱藏號碼) 來進行推銷, 請確認是以下的電話號碼才是本公司的電話號碼!
23610680 (深水埗) / 23610928 (深水埗) / 25741808 (深水埗) / 66802380 (深水埗)
免費即日送貨費Fax熱線:2389 7126
(註: 若有客戶曾經收到上述的匿名電話,請聯絡我們。如能夠提供詳細資料,本公司將奉上薄酬。)
麗康香港有限公司 示 2012年5月31日
學校、醫院、醫務所、律師樓、會計師樓、 補習社及非牟利慈善團體均可申請月結服務 |
一般的打印紙,打印機上的選項請選擇ink jet paper或噴墨專用紙。
HP LaserJet Pro M15w(原廠碳粉盒 HP CF248A)
原廠價格 BK$377/盒,代用價格$258/盒
HP Officejet Pro 9010 / 9020 (原廠墨盒 HP 965XL)
原廠價格 BK$304/盒 C/M/Y $231/盒
本頁面最後更新日期: 2020年 7月 26號
[最新消息] 代用碳粉盒 批發業務
本公司現提供原裝及代用墨盒、碳粉盒批發服務,歡迎公司或機構 Whatsapp 查詢。所有產品均經過5重以上QC,信心保證。
- 本公司可以隨時修改本條款細則及價錢,而不作另行通知。
- 如客戶使用本公司批發服務, 即同意本條款內所有內容。
- 客戶必須把有效的商業登記證明文件及公司卡片WhatsApp傳送至 9647 8878或 Email傳送至
www_1312vip_com@yahoo.com.hk 作開戶口之用。
- 本公司會以 WhatsApp 作為主要聯絡途徑, WhatsApp: 9647 8878 其他聯絡途徑
(非即時聯絡途徑): Email: www_1312vip_com@yahoo.com.hk
- 一旦簽署批發合同,則代表客戶同意同時收到本公司由以下電話/電郵或傳真發出的定期推廣廣告:
電話: 9647 8878﹔傳真: 2361 0900﹔
電郵: www_1312vip_com@yahoo.com.hk / pay1312vip@outlook.com
- 批發客戶可以選擇預先充值
每次充值 HK$2000或以上,多送充值金額2%的儲值額
每次充值 HK$10000或以上,多送充值金額10%的儲值額
- 批發起批標準 (必須滿足條件才可享有批發價格!)
(代用墨盒、碳粉盒批發服務)每次貨款必須達 $600 HKD 或以上
(原裝墨盒、碳粉盒批發服務)每次貨款必須達 $3,000 HKD 或以上
採購時指定碳粉品牌,詳細範圍及條款請 Whatsapp 或 Email查詢。
轉數快及支票 (客戶須自行到銀行入票並提供入數紙;銀行排隊入票須加收$80附加費,自動櫃員機入票免附加費)
支票抬頭:NICKONG VIP LTD 匯豐銀行戶口,詳情請WhatsApp或 Email查詢
請客戶詳閱本公司之私隱政策及收集企業/個人資料聲明 點選下載
詳細價錢及服務條款請瀏覽: www.1312vip.com/ws2
本頁面最後更新日期: 2019年 10月 10號
[注意] 半年有壞包換政策出優化修訂
使用麗康香港有限公司 退回到倉庫服務,減少耗材問題帶給您的困擾。 取得高品質遠端疑難排解協助。 如果需要維修,請將您的故障耗材郵寄 (親送) 至
麗康香港有限公司 服務中心,並享用免費寄送到您所處位置的功能完善、運轉正常的耗材。這項 麗康香港有限公司服務計劃在原廠保養之外繼續對您的 麗康香港有限公司
產品提供保養服務。 該計劃包括在 延長保養期內提供的 電話技術 支援、遠端診斷服務 和硬件更換。取得高品質的遠端疑難排解協助,如果有必要,更換的耗材。
使用預先付費的包裝將故障耗材寄回 麗康香港有限公司。
而其餘5成以上的次貨是假次貨 ,
或例如使用者在不為意的情況放入含 釘書釘/萬字夾 的紙張或已用過的環保紙張,
等等... 使打印機和代用打印機消耗品損壞,
而多數都是在職員上班後, 打印第一張紙時, 出現以上問題。
麗康墨盒 麗康墨盒
以上提及的假次貨, 大多數都是來自於深水步門市的客戶!
在2012年年尾, 屬於該企業的其一間銅鑼灣門市有新來的女職員上班,
麗康碳粉盒 麗康碳粉盒
以下是她查詢的內容 :
(本公司由2005年於深水步創業至今, 如果真實的話, 本公司損失重大!)
另外, 該企業還呼籲新上任的職員和職員的親朋好友使用上述買換退行為,
而且, 該企業更訛稱該行為是該企業的職員福利,
更加過份的是, 如果本公司不退貨或換新的話,
但最後, 因為這些跨國企業玩弄本公司為基層市民提供的售後服務,
半年有壞包換服務條款 最後更新: 2019 年 3 月 6 日
1. 本條款將適用於本公司任何門市及任何代用耗材, 但不包括原裝耗材 2. 本公司可以隨時修訂本條款, 而不預先通知 3. 本公司 深水埗門市 職員擁有條款一切最終決定權和修訂權 4. 最終條款依 深水埗門市 職員 口說 為標準 5. 荃灣門市 將 不會 提供任何售後服務 6. 如客戶前往 荃灣門市 要求售後服務, 一律怒不受理
7. 客戶必須先 WhatsApp 聯絡 6680 2380 技術支援, 否則一律怒不受理!!! 8. 客戶必須先得到技術支援人員的跟進後, 才能享有門市售後服務 !!! 9. 只有於下午3時正後, 深水埗門市 才會提供售後服務
10. 如客戶要求換貨或售後服務, 必須親自連同 收據 及貨品 前往門市 11. 如客戶要求換貨或售後服務, 必須出示收據 , 否則一律怒不受理!!! 12. 如單據上的日期超過180天, 或產品批次不屬於單據上的日期, 怒不受理!!! 13. 如產品重量未能符合換貨標準, 怒不退換或提供售後服務!!! 14. 如單據日期、產品重量、產品批次均屬正常, 我們將記錄你的個人資料及聯絡資料 15. 客人所有貨品會先免費廠進行嚴格檢查及取得詳細報告, 需時大約不少於1個月 16. 如詳細報告結果 是 因工廠生產時出現的問題, 將會提供一換一服務 17. 如詳細報告結果 非 因工廠生產時出現的問題, 可提供維修服務及另行報價 18. 如詳細報告結果 指出 產品曾經被加粉或改裝, 一律怒不受理!!!
注意: 如客人因為更換打印機, 而需要換貨的話, 可以憑半年內的收據, 於下午3時後前往門市處理換貨程序. 換相同價格的貨品, 我們可以提供一換一服務, 但不同價格的貨品, 我們只能提供半價回收服務, 恕不退款!
如 果 需 要 查 詢 換 貨 或 需 要 進 一 了 解 這 章 公 告 請 email : tel9674 4366@hotmail.com
1. 首先 WhatsApp 至 6519 8989 落單訂購貨品.
訂單內容必須包含: 指定順豐站/便利店地區及編碼、
2. 我們會 WhatsApp 提供銀行戶口. (中銀/恆生)
客戶轉賬/入數後請 WhatsApp 向我們提供付款證明.
(付款證明: 轉賬參考編號 / 入數收據照片.)
3. 發貨後, 我們會 WhatsApp 傳送發貨運單照片給客戶.
到貨後, 客戶會收到「確認取件」的手機短訊,
請於收到訊息後 3天內前往指定之順豐站 / 便利店取件.
7-11 便利店: |
香港島 |
九龍 |
新界 |
離島 |
澳門 |
OK 便利店: |
香港島 |
九龍 |
新界 |
離島 |
澳門 |
順豐速運: |
順豐站 |
順豐服務中心 |
順豐智能柜地址 |
順豐速運 7-Eleven便利店取件服務 服務範圍:香港島 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 上環 | 852M1006 | 香港上環西摩道1號輝煌臺7號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm
重量限制: 5公斤或以下 | 852M1007 | 香港上環荷李活道123號荷李活華庭地下3號舖 | 24小時 | 中環 | 852M1001 | 香港中環堅道89號地下 | 24小時 | 852M1004 | 香港中環堅道27號地下 | 24小時 | 852M1005 | 香港中環伊利近街40號地下舖位 | 24小時 | 太古 | 852PA1005 | 香港太古太古城第5期寧安閣G506至G507號舖 | 24小時 | 北角 | 852P1001 | 香港北角渣華道92號地下 | 24小時 | 852P1002 | 香港北角地鐵站NOP1號舖 | 07:00-24:00 | 852P1004 | 香港北角電器道233號城市花園1,2及3座平台地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 852P1005 | 香港北角和富道21-53號家居庭地下6號舖位 | 24小時 | 852P1006 | 香港北角電器道254-280號華凱大廈地下G號舖 | 07:00-24:00 | 852PA1004 | 香港北角七姊妹道180-182號健康村地下A號舖 | 24小時 | 西環 | 852M1003 | 香港西環高街88號地下 | 24小時 | 852MA1001 | 香港西環堅尼地城觀龍樓電梯穿梭大樓地下1號舖 | 07:00-23:00 | 香港仔 | 852TB1004 | 香港香港仔華富村第二期商業中心第S24A舖 | 24小時 | 852TB1005 | 香港香港仔華貴村華貴商場地下6號舖 | 24小時 | 852TB1006 | 香港香港仔田灣村田灣商場102號舖 | 24小時 | 852TB1007 | 香港香港仔南寧街7-11號香港仔中心25號舖 | 24小時 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 柴灣 | 852PB1001 | 香港柴灣環翠村街市舖位MS1號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm
重量限制: 5公斤或以下 | 852PB1005 | 香港柴灣小西灣道9號富欣花園地下第47及48號舖 | 24小時 | 852PB1006 | 香港柴灣新翠商場119-120號舖 | 24小時 | 852PB1007 | 香港柴灣柴灣道341-343號宏德居A座地下49號舖 | 24小時 | 跑馬地 | 852T1002 | 香港跑馬地黃泥涌道15號常德樓地下 | 24小時 | 筲箕灣 | 852PA1001 | 香港筲箕灣東大街62-74號泰安閣地下23-28號舖 | 24小時 | 852PA1002 | 香港筲箕灣筲箕灣道15-31號興祥大廈地下E號舖 | 24小時 | 鴨脷洲 | 852TB1001 | 香港鴨脷洲鴨利洲大街25-31號年豐大廈地下6-9號舖 | 24小時 | 852TB1002 | 香港鴨脷洲鴨利洲村多層停車場地下6號舖 | 24小時 | 852TB1003 | 香港鴨利洲利東村商業中心一期102號舖 | 24小時 | 鰂魚涌 | 852PA1006 | 香港鰂魚涌英皇道774號模範村C座地下12-13號舖 | 24小時 | 852PA1007 | 香港鰂魚涌英皇道963A地下 | 24小時 |
順豐速運 7-Eleven便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:九龍 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間(星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 九龍城 | 852K1002 | 九龍九龍城獅子石道87號地下 | 24小時 | 最大體積:重量限制: 5公斤或以下 | 九龍塘 | 852B1001 | 九龍九龍塘又一村達之路28號又發樓地下9號舖 | 07:00-24:00 | 土瓜灣 | 852K1006 | 九龍土瓜灣馬頭圍木廠街1C號地下及閣樓 | 24小時 | 大角咀 | 852B1006 | 九龍大角咀大角咀道79號興旺大廈地下7號舖 | 24小時 | 牛池灣 | 852J1004 | 九龍牛池灣瓊東街8號嘉峰臺地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 牛頭角 | 852CC1002 | 九龍牛頭角定安街37-43號立興大廈地下D號舖 | 24小時 | 石硤尾 | 852B1003 | 九龍石硤尾白田村第九座地下15-17號舖 | 24小時 | 佐敦 | 852E1002 | 九龍九龍港鐵站(東涌線)88號舖(近機場快線月台) | 24小時 |
852EA1001 | 九龍佐敦寶靈街48-50號地下 | 24小時 |
852EA1002 | 九龍佐敦西貢街3-5號昌華商業大廈地下1號舖 | 24小時 | 油麻地 | 852BB1001 | 九龍油麻地眾方街3號駿發花園戲院大樓地下H1號舖 | 24小時 | 長沙灣 | 852B1002 | 九龍南昌港鐵站19及20號舖(繳費區) | 07:00-24:00 |
852DA1001 | 九龍長沙灣元州村元州商場地下G17號舖 | 24小時 | 紅磡 | 852E1001 | 九龍紅磡育才道香港理工學院邵逸夫綜合大樓二字樓C210號舖 | 07:00-23:00 |
852K1001 | 九龍紅磡黃埔新村民泰街2-32永華及達華樓地下B2A-B2B號舖 | 24小時 |
852K1003 | 九龍紅磡差館里17-19號聚賢大廈地下2A-2B號舖 | 24小時 |
852K1004 | 九龍紅磡福至街38至42號紅磡灣中心地下5號舖 | 24小時 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間(星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 美孚 | 852D1001 | 九龍美孚新村恆柏街2號地下N32號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:重量限制: 5公斤或以下 | 荔枝角 | 852D1002 | 九龍荔枝角海麗村海麗商場地下8號舖 | 24小時 | 彩虹 | 852J1003 | 九龍彩虹彩虹村金華樓地下6號舖 | 24小時 | 深水埗 | 852BA1001 | 九龍深水埗福榮街68號地下A舖 | 24小時 |
852BA1002 | 九龍深水埗大埔道156號白花大廈地下 | 24小時 |
852BA1003 | 九龍深水埗元州街65-69號元昌閣地下C舖 | 24小時 |
852BA1004 | 九龍深水埗荔枝角道306號地下及閣樓 | 24小時 | 黃大仙 | 852J1001 | 九龍黃大仙竹園村竹園商場S4號舖 | 24小時 |
852J1005 | 九龍黃大仙黃大仙下村二期龍樂樓地下1號舖 | 24小時 | 慈雲山 | 852J1002 | 九龍慈雲山毓華街23號慈雲山中心商場3樓324-325號 | 24小時 | 樂富 | 852J1007 | 九龍樂富橫頭磡村宏暉中心第三層單位5,6,7,8號舖 | 24小時 | 藍田 | 852CC1001 | 九龍藍田鯉安苑停車場大樓地下2號鋪 | 07:00-23:00 |
852CC1021 | 九龍藍田平田邨平田商場地下G01號舖 | 24小時 | 觀塘 | 852CC1003 | 九龍觀塘翠屏北村翠屏北商場翠柳樓M2樓102號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC1005 | 九龍觀塘順利村利溢樓B01號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC1006 | 九龍觀塘協和街143-167號協和大廈地下7號舖 | 24小時 |
順豐速運 7-Eleven便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:新界 | 地區 |
點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日 及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 上水 |
852A1003 | 新界上水新財街 25-27 號新財樓地下 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm 重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852A1005 | 新界上水龍琛路 76-86 號地下 B 鋪 | 24小時 |
852A1012 | 新界上水天平村購物商場 116 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852A1013 | 新界上水太平邨平熙樓地下 110A 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852A1014 | 新界上水馬會道 182 號地下及閣樓鋪位 | 24小時 | 大埔 |
852AA1001 | 新界大埔運頭塘村運頭塘商場地下 11 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852AA1004 | 新界大埔廣福道 148 號同福樓地下 | 24小時 |
852AA1006 | 新界大埔翠怡街 3 號翠怡花園地下 1 號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852AA1009 | 新界大埔富善村商場 G10 鋪 | 24小時 |
852AA1010 | 新界大埔大元村商場 101-109 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852AA1011 | 新界大埔廣福村商場 P 102-103 鋪 | 24小時 | 大圍 |
852FE1001 | 新界大圍大圍道積輝街2-18 號金禧花園地下 15 號鋪 | 24小時 | 元朗 |
852U1016 | 新界元朗洪水橋第 4280 號地段麗珊園地下 2 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852UA1004 | 新界元朗加洲花園商場第 36-38 號鋪地下 | 24小時 |
852UA1005 | 新界元朗康景街 3-19 號利景樓及部份 G 鋪地下 | 24小時 |
852UA1009 | 新界元朗青山公路 239-247A 號萬昌樓地下 E 鋪 | 24小時 |
852UA1018 | 新界錦田錦田公路84 號地下 | 24小時 | 地區 |
點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日 及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 天水圍 |
852UA1001 | 新界天水圍天慈村天慈商場 8 號鋪 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852UA1007 | 新界天水圍天澤村天澤商場地下 11 號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852UA1015 | 新界天水圍天恩路12至18號置富嘉湖1期地下G73B號鋪 | 24小時 | 屯門 |
852U1008 | 新界屯門湖翠路 2 號美樂花園地下 71 號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852U1010 | 新界屯門良運街 3號 建生商場地下113及114舗 | 24小時 |
852U1011 | 新界屯門仁愛堂圍 42-58 號金滿閣地下 A & B 鋪 | 24小時 |
852U1012 | 新界屯門井財街 15 號金銘大廈地下 21 號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852U1013 | 新界屯門石排頭路 11 號康得花園地下 4 號部份鋪位 | 24小時 |
852U1017 | 藍地福亨村路8號豫豐花園S&R號 | 24小時 |
852U1019 | 新界屯門海旁街交界巴黎倫敦紐約戲院購物中心地下 2-3 號舖 | 24小時 | 沙田 |
852FE1003 | 新界沙田沙角村漁鷹樓地下 14-15 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852FE1004 | 新界沙田新田圍村新田圍商場 11-12 號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852FE1005 | 新界沙田禾輋商場 2 樓 CC01-CC02 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852FE1006 | 新界沙田顯徑村商場 114 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852FE1009 | 新界沙田河畔花園一期地下 36 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852FE1010 | 新界沙田廣源村商場第四座 7 號舖 | 24小時 | 青衣 |
852G1006 | 新界青衣長亨村商場地下 1 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852G1007 | 新界青衣美景花園中座第 3-4 & 17-20 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852G1008 | 新界青衣長青邨長青商場平臺 2 樓 9&9A 鋪位 | 24小時 | 地區 |
點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 粉嶺 |
852A1002 | 新界粉嶺祥華村商場 108-110 號地下 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm 重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852A1007 | 新界粉嶺聯安街 9 號聯發大廈地下 B 鋪 | 24小時 |
852A1008 | 新界粉嶺一鳴路15號碧湖商場地下 G31 號鋪 | 24小時 | 荃灣 |
852G1001 | 新界荃灣西鐵線荃灣西站18 號鋪 | 0630-2400 |
852G1011 | 新界荃灣荃景圍94-98號荃灣中心2期15-17座高層地下10-17號 | 24小時 |
852G1014 | 新界荃灣大廈街 15-17 號仁雅大廈地下 A 舖及閣樓 | 24小時 |
852GA1001 | 新界荃灣楊屋道 138 號樂悠居地下 6C 鋪位 | 24小時 |
852GA1002 | 新界荃灣怡樂街 1-5 號海濱花園 E 座地下 101 號鋪位 | 24小時 | 馬鞍山 |
852FE1002 | 新界沙田馬鞍山新港城中心2樓2150、2152及2153號鋪 | 0700-2300 |
852FE1007 | 新界馬鞍山恒安村商場商業中心二層 235 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852FE1008 | 新界馬鞍山利安村商場 G3 鋪位 | 24小時 | 將軍澳 |
852CC1007 | 新界將軍澳景林村景林商場第 2 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852CC1008 | 新界將軍澳寶林邨寶林購物中心 2 樓 206 號鋪 | 24小時 |
852CC1009 | 新界將軍澳線康城站LHP 1號鋪 | 0700-1900 |
852CC1010 | 新界將軍澳善明邨善智樓地下1號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852CC1012 | 新界清水灣道大埔仔村1號地下舖及1樓 | 24小時 | 西貢 |
852CC1011 | 新界西貢萬年街 118 號地下 | 24小時 | 地區 |
點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 深井 |
852G1003 | 新界深井麗都花園地下 2 號鋪 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm 重量限制: 5公斤或以下 | 葵芳 |
852LB1002 | 新界葵涌葵芳村葵健樓第 1-2 及 12-13 號鋪位 | 24小時 | 葵涌 |
852LA1001 | 新界葵涌石蔭路 78至84 及 88至96 號天安樓地下 2 號 鋪位 | 24小時 |
852LB1001 | 新界葵涌葵涌商場地下 1 號鋪位 | 24小時 |
852LB1003 | 新界葵涌葵盛東邨葵盛東商場地下 1 號舖 | 24小時 | 愉景灣 |
852G1002 | 香港大嶼山愉景灣愉景灣廣場C座地下G38B及G39號鋪 | 24小時 | 梅窩 |
852Q1001 | 香港大嶼山梅窩銀運路 3 號梅窩中心地下 13 號鋪 | 24小時 | 東涌 |
852G1013 | 香港大嶼山東涌東堤灣畔第六座地下 13 號鋪 | 24小時 |
順豐速運 7-Eleven便利店取件服務 服務範圍:離島 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至日及公眾假期) |
快件限制 | 機場 |
852Q1005 | 香港大嶼山駿運路2號機場空運中心商業中心305室 | 24小時 | |
852Q1006 | 香港大嶼山駿坪路10號亞洲空運中心二期貨車停車場3樓舖 | 24小時 |
852Q1007 | 香港大嶼山香港國際機場國泰航空貨運站辦公大樓RMA304室 | 24小時 |
順豐速運 7-Eleven便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:澳門 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間
(星期一至日及公眾假期) |
快件限制 | 澳門 |
853A1001 | 澳門連勝街2-D號及賣菜巷15及15-A,(信良大廈) "A-R/C",地下A座 | 07:00-23:00 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
853A1002 | 澳門連勝街 83B 號地下及閣樓 | 24小時 |
853A1003 | 澳門氹仔埃武拉街 407 號新世界花園地下 G 鋪 | 24小時 |
853A1004 | 澳門氹仔亞威羅街美景花園第七座”BK”鋪地下 | 24小時 |
853A1006 | 澳門氹仔基馬拉斯大馬路35-43號美景花園美寶閣地下H鋪 | 24小時 |
853A1007 | 澳門氹仔地堡街 191 號 泉褔新邨第一期地下 A/B 座 | 24小時 |
853A1008 | 澳門河邊新街111-A號光河大廈地下B座 | 24小時 |
853A1009 | 澳門海邊馬路 30-30E 地下 A 舖 | 24小時 |
853A1010 | 澳門筷子基沙梨頭南街87 至 187 號運順新邨地下 | 24小時 |
853A1011 | 澳門黑沙灣新街海濱花園6 座/ 7 座地下 | 24小時 |
853A1012 | 澳門風順堂街金運大廈地下 B 座舖 | 24小時 |
853A1013 | 澳門氹仔埃武拉街花城 | 24小時 |
853A1014 | 澳門氹仔南京街568號雄昌花園 | 24小時 |
853A1015 | 澳門高美士街56號南園 | 24小時 |
853A1016 | 澳門馬濟時總督大馬路富達花園 | 24小時 |
853A1017 | 澳門沙嘉都喇賈罷麗街 48 號興利大廈地下 B 座 | 24小時 |
853A1018 | 澳門海灣南街106號信和廣場地下C舖 | 24小時 |
853A1019 | 澳門黑沙灣中街67號保利達花園地下BA座 | 24小時 |
853A1020 | 澳門瘋堂斜巷 29-31 號美華大廈地下A及部分C舖 | 24小時 |
順豐速運OK便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:香港島 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間(星期一至六,星期日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 上環 | 852M2009 | 香港上環德輔道中323號西港城地下11,12及13號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:30x25x20cm 重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852M2014 | 香港上環禧利街21號地下 | 07:00-22:00
星期日及公眾假期: 休息 | 852MA2003 | 香港上環皇后大道西476-482號永興樓地下D號舖 | 24小時 |
852MA2006 | 香港上環修打蘭街21-27號海景大廈地下D及H號舖 | 07:00-22:00
星期日及公眾假期: 休息 | 小西灣 | 852PB2002 | 香港小西灣小西灣商場四樓401號舖 | 24小時 |
852PB2003 | 香港小西灣小西灣道28號藍灣半島地下18號舖 | 24小時 |
852PB2006 | 香港小西灣小西灣商場地下6A號舖 | 24小時 | 中環 | 852M2002 | 香港中環閣麟街10-16號致發大廈地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852M2003 | 香港中環民光街11號3號碼頭A,B及C號舖 | 24小時 |
852M2004 | 香港中環花園道3號萬國寶通廣場地下1號舖 | 07:00-20:00
星期日及公眾假期: 休息 | 852M2010 | 香港中環皇后大道中142-146號金利商業大廈高層地下A號舖 | 06:30-23:30 |
852TA2005 | 香港中環金鐘道95號統一中心1樓1002B號舖 | 07:00-21:00 |
852TA2006 | 香港中環夏愨道十二號美國銀行中心一樓香港中文大學 | 07:00-22:00,
星期六: 07:00-19:00
星期日及公眾假期: 休息 | 天后 | 852P2007 | 香港天后威非路2-10B號金都洋樓9及9A號舖 | 07:00-23:00 |
852P2008 | 香港天后英皇道14號僑興大廈地下1H號舖 | 24小時 | 太古 | 852PA2004 | 香港太古康山花園第一座地下H1-H2號舖 | 24小時 |
852PA2005 | 香港太古康怡廣場南翼4樓1至2號舖 | 06:00-24:00 | 北角 | 852P2003 | 香港北角七姊妹道2,4,6,8及8A昌苑大廈地下4號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:class="font9">cm 重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852P2004 | 香港北角電器道233號城市花園1,2及3座平台地下5號舖 | 24小時 |
852P2005 | 香港北角英皇道193-209號英皇中心地下25-27號舖 | 24小時 |
852P2006 | 香港北角堡壘街22號地下 | 24小時 |
852P2009 | 香港北角琴行街6及6A,七姊妹道25,27及31號嘉蘭大廈地下C號舖 | 06:30-23:30 | 西環 | 852M2006 | 香港西環般咸道63B-F號興漢大廈三樓3號舖 | 07:00-23:00 |
852M2015 | 香港西環正街64號地下A號舖 | 06:30-23:30 |
852MA2001 | 香港西環堅尼地城吉席街2號海怡花園二期三座地下 | 24小時 |
852MA2002 | 香港西環德輔道西333及335號地下 | 24小時 |
852MA2007 | 香港西環德輔道西232號地下 | 24小時 |
852MA2008 | 香港西環卑路乍街136,138,140&142號及爹核士街7號聯威新樓地下B2及C號舖 | 24小時 |
852MA2009 | 香港西環卑路乍街144-148號金豪閣地下2B號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852MA2011 | 香港西環干諾道西188號香港商業中心地下2號舖 | 07:00-22:00
星期日及公眾假期: 休息 | 852MA2012 | 香港西環皇后大道西522-530號再發大廈地下3號舖 | 24小時 | 香港仔 | 852TB2001 | 香港香港仔華富中心7及8號舖 | 24小時 |
最大體積:30x25x20cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852TB2002 | 香港香港仔香港仔中心第五期地下7號舖 | 24小時 |
852TB2004 | 香港香港仔石排灣道81號兆輝大廈地下3及4號舖 | 24小時 |
852TB2005 | 香港香港仔華富村華安樓116號舖 | 06:00-22:30 |
852TB2007 | 香港香港仔石排灣商場7號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852TB2008 | 香港香港仔黃竹坑道125號葛量洪醫院主樓地下 | 08:00-20:00 |
852TB2009 | 香港香港仔東勝道23號地下 | 24小時 |
852TB2010 | 香港香港仔華富(二)村華富(二)商場30號舖 | 24小時 | 柴灣 | 852PB2001 | 香港柴灣興華村和興樓209至210號舖 | 24小時 |
852PB2004 | 香港柴灣泰民街16號康翠臺商場L5樓3A號舖 | 24小時 |
852PB2005 | 香港杏花村港鐵站HFC5及6號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852PB2007 | 香港柴灣地鐵站CHW11號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852PB2008 | 香港柴灣地鐵站CHW12號舖 | 06:00-24:00 | 跑馬地 | 852T2002 | 香港跑馬地黃泥涌道21-23號浩利大廈地下B號舖 | 24小時 | 筲箕灣 | 852PA2001 | 香港筲萁灣愛東商場地下14號舖 | 24小時 |
852PA2002 | 香港筲箕灣筲箕灣道106-108號地下B號舖 | 24小時 |
852PA2006 | 香港筲箕灣愛禮街2號愛蝶灣商場地下56號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852PA2007 | 香港筲箕灣筲箕灣道388-414號逢源大廈地下H1號舖 | 24小時 |
852PA2008 | 香港筲箕灣東大街51號東灣閣地下B號舖 | 06:30-23:30 | 銅鑼灣 | 852T2001 | 香港銅鑼灣駱克道414,418-430號偉德大廈地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:30x25x20cm重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852T2005 | 香港銅鑼灣堅拿道東5號地下及閣樓 | 24小時 | 鴨脷洲 | 852TB2006 | 香港鴨脷洲海怡路18A號海怡廣場(東翼)地下G02號舖 | 24小時 | 薄扶林 | 852TB2003 | 香港薄扶林置富南區廣場5樓503號舖7-8號檔 | 06:00-23:00 | 灣仔 | 852TA2001 | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道38號地下 | 24小時 |
852TA2002 | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道199-203號東華大廈地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852TA2003 | 香港灣仔灣仔道89號地下 | 24小時 |
852TA2007 | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道68-76號新禧大樓地下B號舖 | 24小時 |
852TC2001 | 香港灣仔軒尼詩道91號華寧大廈地下 | 24小時 |
852TC2002 | 香港灣仔博覽道1號香港會議展覽中心博覽商場10號舖 | 08:00-21:00 |
852TC2003 | 香港灣仔柯布連道7A至7B號及軒尼詩道156、160至162號利榮大樓地下E號舖 | 24小時 |
順豐速運OK便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:九龍 | 地區 |
點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間 (星期一至六,星期日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 九龍城 |
852H2008 | 九龍九龍城晴朗商場地下B002號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852K2008 | 九龍九龍城衙前圍道47號地下C單位 | 24小時 | 九龍灣 |
852H2001 | 九龍九龍灣淘大花園第一期商場27-30號舖 | 24小時 |
852H2002 | 九龍九龍灣臨興街19號同力工業中心地下B1 | 06:30-21:30星期日及公眾假期: 09:00-18:00 |
852H2003 | 九龍九龍灣常悅道13號瑞興中心地下A號單位之B部份 | 06:30-21:30 星期日及公眾假期:09:00-18:00 |
852H2004 | 九龍九龍灣德福商場1期P40號舖 | 24小時 |
852H2005 | 九龍九龍灣宏開道18號德福大廈1樓3C舖 | 06:30-21:00星期日及公眾假期: 06:30-20:00 | 土瓜灣 |
852K2002 | 九龍土瓜灣機利士路669號昌盛金舖大廈地下 | 24小時 |
852K2004 | 九龍土瓜灣土瓜灣道273號地下 | 24小時 |
852K2011 | 九龍土瓜灣馬頭圍道356號地下 | 24小時 |
852K2014 | 九龍土瓜灣馬頭角新馬頭街38號翔龍灣廣場地下G06號舖 | 06:30-24:00 |
852K2015 | 九龍土瓜灣馬頭圍道450號及天光道50號悅輝大廈地下A及B號舖 | 24小時 | 大角咀 |
852B2006 | 九龍大角咀港灣豪庭地下G10號舖 | 24小時 |
852B2010 | 九龍大角咀中匯街13號中和樓地下10號舖 | 24小時 |
852BD2001 | 九龍奧運港鐵站OLY8號舖 | 06:00-23:30 | 太子 |
852B2002 | 九龍太子水渠道22,24,28號安豪樓地下A號舖 | 24小時 |
852B2011 | 九龍太子太子道西96-100號地下C及D號舖 | 24小時 | 牛頭角 |
852H2006 | 九龍牛頭角彩盈村彩盈坊3號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852H2007 | 九龍牛頭角彩德商場地下G04號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2017 | 九龍牛頭角觀塘花園大廈玉蓮臺第三座地下13號舖 | 24小時 | 石硤尾 |
852B2001 | 九龍石硤尾南山村南山商場大廈地下 | 24小時 | 尖沙咀 |
852E2001 | 九龍尖沙咀寶勒巷1號玫瑰大廈地下A及B號舖 | 24小時 |
852E2002 | 九龍尖東港鐵站3號舖 | 06:30-24:00 |
852EB2001 | 九龍尖沙咀加連威老道94號尖東廣場地下G08號舖 | 24小時 |
852EB2002 | 九龍尖沙咀科學館道14號新文華中心地下37-39,50-53&55號舖 | 24小時 | 佐敦 |
852EA2002 | 九龍佐敦佐敦道9-11號高基大廈地下4號舖 | 24小時 |
852EA2003 | 九龍佐敦佐敦道34號道興樓地下B號舖 | 24小時 |
852EA2005 | 九龍佐敦廟街249-251號協祥大廈地下B號舖 | 07:00-24:00 |
852EA2006 | 九龍佐敦港鐵站JOR10及11號舖 | 06:30-00:00 |
852EA2007 | 九龍佐敦寶靈街20號寶靈大樓地下A,B及C號舖 | 24小時 | 旺角 |
852B2003 | 九龍旺角海泓道富榮花園地下32-33號舖 | 24小時 |
852B2007 | 九龍旺角西洋菜南街166號地下及閣樓 | 24小時 |
852B2012 | 九龍旺角弼街43號地下 | 24小時 |
852B2013 | 九龍旺角港鐵站MOK21號舖 | 06:30-24:00 |
852BB2004 | 九龍旺角洗衣街92號地下 | 24小時 |
852BB2005 | 九龍旺角豉油街15號萬利商業大廈地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852BB2007 | 九龍旺角亞皆老街88至96號利豐大樓地下C號舖 | 24小時 | 油麻地 |
852BB2001 | 九龍油麻地文明里4-6號地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852BB2002 | 九龍油麻地碧街50號地下 | 24小時 |
852BB2003 | 九龍油麻地砵蘭街68號東南商業大廈地下B號舖 | 24小時 |
852EA2004 | 九龍油麻地上海街150號地下A號鋪 | 24小時 |
852BB2008 | 九龍油麻地港鐵站YMT16及17號舖 | 06:30-00:00 |
852BB2009 | 九龍油麻地登打士街43P-43S號鴻輝大廈地下8號舖 | 24小時 |
852BB2010 | 九龍油麻地上海街433號興華中心地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852BB2011 | 九龍油麻地永星里5號地下3-5及16號舖 | 24小時 |
852BB2012 | 九龍油麻地新填地街141號恆運樓地下A號舖 | 24小時 | 油塘 |
852CC2004 | 九龍油塘油塘村鯉魚門廣場地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2010 | 九龍油塘高俊苑停車場大廈1號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2011 | 九龍油塘油麗商場7號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2012 | 九龍油塘大本型港鐵樓層M05號舖 | 06:30-23:00 | 長沙灣 |
852DA2001 | 九龍長沙灣幸福村商場地下17號舖 | 24小時 |
852DA2003 | 九龍長沙灣長發街13及13號A地下 | 24小時 | 紅磡 |
852K2001 | 九龍紅磡家維村家義樓3-4號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852K2003 | 九龍紅磡馬頭圍道37-39號紅磡商業廣場地下43-44號舖 | 24小時 |
852K2005 | 九龍紅磡鶴園街2G號恆豐工業大廈第一期地下CD1號舖 | 06:00-22:00星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
852K2007 | 九龍紅磡馬頭圍村洋葵樓地下111號舖 | 24小時 |
852K2009 | 九龍紅磡愛景街8號海濱南岸1樓商場3A號舖 | 24小時 |
852K2012 | 九龍紅磡港鐵站大堂H3及H12號舖 | 06:00-00:30 |
852K2013 | 九龍紅磡馬頭涌道52號地下 | 24小時 |
852K2016 | 九龍紅磡湖光街1-7號聯盛大廈地下17F號舖 | 24小時 | 荔枝角 |
852BA2003 | 九龍荔枝角荔枝角道176號地下 | 24小時 |
852D2002 | 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道800號香港紗廠工業大廈一及二期地下 | 24小時 |
852D2003 | 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道868號利豐大廈地下 | 06:00-22:00星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
852D2004 | 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道833號長沙灣廣場地下G03號舖 | 06:30-23:00 |
852DA2002 | 九龍荔枝角荔枝角道833號昇悅商場一樓126號舖 | 07:00-23:00 | 彩虹 |
852J2003 | 九龍彩虹彩虹村金碧樓地下 | 24小時 |
852J2012 | 九龍彩虹地鐵站CHH18及19號舖 | 06:00-24:00 | 深水埗 |
852B2005 | 九龍深水埗富昌商場地下18號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852BA2001 | 九龍深水埗桂林街42-44號地下E號舖 | 24小時 |
852BA2002 | 九龍深水埗福榮街128號地下 | 24小時 | 黃大仙 |
852J2006 | 九龍黃大仙盈福苑停車場大樓地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852J2008 | 九龍黃大仙龍翔道120號新光中心地下 | 24小時 |
852J2010 | 九龍黃大仙蒲崗村道35-37號好景樓地下B號舖 | 24小時 |
852J2013 | 九龍黃大仙港鐵站WTS12號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852J2014 | 九龍黃大仙竹園村竹園商場11號舖 | 24小時 | 慈雲山 |
852J2005 | 九龍慈雲山慈正村慈正商場1號舖 | 24小時 |
852J2007 | 九龍慈雲山慈正村慈正商場2期地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 新蒲崗 |
852J2009 | 九龍新蒲崗寧遠街10-20號渣打銀行大廈地下E號舖 | 24小時 |
852J2017 | 九龍新蒲崗康強街35-49號地下連天井1A號舖 | 06:30-23:00 | 樂富 |
852J2001 | 九龍樂富樂富中心LG6號舖 | 24小時 | 藍田 |
852CC2009 | 九龍藍田匯景道8號匯景花園2D號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852CC2019 | 九龍藍田港鐵站LAT2號舖 | 06:30-24:00 | 觀塘 |
852CA2001 | 九龍觀塘港鐵站KWT33-34號舖 | 06:30-24:00 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852CB2001 | 九龍觀塘駿業街66號巧運工業大廈地下A3號單位 | 24小時 |
852CC2001 | 九龍觀塘翠屏商場6號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2002 | 九龍觀塘秀茂坪十五期停車場大廈地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2003 | 九龍觀塘秀茂坪寶達村寶達商場二樓205號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2005 | 九龍觀塘協和街101號地下H號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2006 | 九龍觀塘茶果嶺道93號麗港城第三期麗港城中薈地下25及26B號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2007 | 九龍觀塘牛頭角道305-325及325A號觀塘立成大廈地下K號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2008 | 九龍觀塘秀茂坪(南)秀德樓1號舖 | 06:00-23:00 |
852CC2013 | 九龍觀塘牛頭角道239號觀塘花園大廈喜鵲樓地下239號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2015 | 九龍觀塘馬蹄徑5號寶峰大廈地下6號舖 | 06:30-24:00 |
852CC2016 | 九龍觀塘物華街45號華安大樓地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 鑽石山 |
852J2004 | 九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑龍蟠苑商場中心101號舖 | 24小時 |
852J2011 | 九龍鑽石山富山村富信樓地下3C號舖 | 24小時 |
852J2015 | 九龍鑽石山港鐵站DIH20號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852J2016 | 九龍鑽石山港鐵站DIH17號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
順豐速運OK便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:新界 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間(星期一至六,星期日及公眾假期) |
快件限制 | 上水 | 852A2002 | 新界上水彩園村彩華樓地下301至302號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:class="font7">cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852A2007 | 新界上水上水中心商場地下1005-1006號舖 | 24小時 |
852A2012 | 新界上水清河村商場13號舖 | 24小時 | 大埔市中心 | 852AA2001 | 新界大埔大榮里26號地下A號舖 | 24小時 |
852AA2004 | 新界大埔富亨村富亨商場中心23-24號舖 | 24小時 |
852AA2005 | 新界大埔運頭塘村商場1號舖 | 24小時 |
852AA2009 | 新界大埔安邦路9號大埔超級城E區三樓355A號舖 | 06:00-23:30 |
852AA2013 | 新界大埔廣福里23號正發樓地下A1號舖 | 24小時 |
852AA2014 | 新界大埔富善村富善商場地下G19A及G20號舖 | 24小時 |
852AA2015 | 新界大埔南運路1-7號富雅花園地下4號舖,10B號舖,10C及10D號舖 | 24小時 |
852AA2016 | 新界大埔安泰路1號大埔廣場地下11號舖 | 24小時 | 大圍 | 852FE2003 | 新界大圍新翠村新翠商場地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2007 | 新界大圍田心街10-18號雲疊花園地下10A-C,19A號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2010 | 新界大圍港鐵站大堂30號舖 | 06:00-24:00 | 元朗市中心 | 852U2022 | 新界元朗洪水橋洪堤路2號錦珊園地下2號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852U2023 | 新界元朗洪水橋洪福村洪福商場地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2001 | 新界元朗水邊圍村康水樓地下103至105號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2002 | 新界元朗錦繡花園商業中心C座地下4號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2003 | 新界元朗谷亭街1號傑文樓地下A號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2006 | 新界元朗大棠路11號光華廣場地下4號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2007 | 新界元朗青山道218,222,226-230號富興大廈地下A號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2009 | 新界元朗又新街7-25號元新大廈地下4號及11號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2010 | 新界元朗朗屏村鏡屏樓M009號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852UA2012 | 新界元朗鳳琴街18號玉龍樓地下4號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2013 | 新界元朗青山公路49-63號金豪大廈地下E號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2014 | 新界元朗青山公路99-109號元朗貿易中心地下7號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2016 | 新界元朗大棠路35/39號紅棉洋樓地下A號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2017 | 新界元朗西菁街9號富盛大廈地下13A及13E號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2018 | 新界元朗朗屏村玉屏樓地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2019 | 新界元朗青山公路32號地下 | 24小時 | 天水圍 | 852UA2005 | 新界天水圍頌富商場地下35號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2008 | 新界天水圍天恩商場109-110號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852UA2011 | 新界天水圍俊宏軒俊宏廣場地下L30號舖 | 24小時 |
852UA2015 | 新界天水圍天瑞路9號天瑞廣場地下L026號舖 | 24小時 | 屯門市中心 | 852U2001 | 新界屯門友愛村愛勇樓地下105至106號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
852U2002 | 新界屯門安定村定祥樓217至218號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2003 | 新界屯門蝴蝶村熟食市場13至16號檔 | 24小時 |
852U2004 | 新界屯門大興村大興商場1樓54號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2005 | 新界屯門山景村山景商場地下122號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2006 | 新界屯門美樂花園商場地下81至82號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2007 | 新界屯門兆康苑商場中心104號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2008 | 新界屯門青翠徑南光樓高層地下D號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2009 | 新界屯門建生村建生商場102號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2010 | 新界屯門翠寧花園地下12-13號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2011 | 新界屯門寶怡花園商場地下23-23A號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2012 | 新界屯門置樂花園商場地下129號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2013 | 新界屯門富泰商場地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2015 | 新界屯門海珠路2號海典軒地下16-17號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2016 | 新界屯門啟發徑15及19號德政圍31-33,37-43號柏苑地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2017 | 新界屯門龍門路45號富健花園地下87號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2018 | 新界屯門寶田商場地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2019 | 新界屯門良景商場213B-213C號舖 | 06:00-23:00 |
852U2020 | 新界屯門良景商場L106號舖 | 24小時 |
852U2021 | 新界屯門悅湖商場53-57及81-85號舖 | 24小時 | 火炭 | 852F2014 | 新界火炭禾寮坑路2-16號安盛工業大廈地下部份B號單位 | 06:00-23:00星期日: 休息, 公眾假期: 07:00-19:00 | 最大體積:class="font7">cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852F2017 | 新界火炭山尾街19-25號宇宙工業中心地下I號單位 | 07:00-21:30星期日及公眾假期: 休息 | 西貢 | 852CC2026 | 新界西貢海傍廣場金寶閣地下12號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2034 | 新界西貢西貢大廈地下23號舖 | 24小時 | 沙田 | 852F2021 | 新界沙田大涌橋路20-30號,河畔花園地下28號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852FB2001 | 新界沙田小瀝源安平街2號利豐中心地下 | 06:00-22:00星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
852FB2002 | 新界沙田白石角香港科學園科技大道東1號1座地下5-8號舖 | 07:00-20:30星期六、日及公眾假期: 07:00-19:00 |
852FE2001 | 新界沙田穗禾苑商場中心地下G6號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2002 | 新界沙田乙明村明耀樓地下7至9號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2013 | 新界沙田大圍道55-65號積輝街14-18號金禧花園地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2014 | 新界沙田美田村美全樓地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2015 | 新界沙田第一城置富第一城樂薈地下33及89號舖(銀城) | 24小時 | 東涌 | 852G2007 | 新界大嶼山東涌健東路1號映灣園映灣薈地面1號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2017 | 新界大嶼山東涌港鐵站TUC21號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852G2020 | 新界大嶼山東涌健東路1號映灣園映灣薈地面一樓31號舖 | 24小時 | 青衣 | 852G2006 | 新界青衣青華苑停車場地下 | 06:00-24:00 | 最大體積:class="font7">cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852G2008 | 新界青衣港鐵站TSY306號舖 | 06:30-23:30 |
852G2009 | 新界青衣青衣村一期停車場大廈地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2013 | 新界青衣港鐵站TSY211號舖 | 06:00-23:00 |
852G2016 | 新界青衣擔桿山路6號長發廣場地下134號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2018 | 新界青衣美景花園商場L3平台97及98號舖 | 06:00-24:00 | 粉嶺 | 852A2003 | 新界粉嶺華明村華明商場112號舖 | 24小時 |
852A2006 | 新界粉嶺嘉福村商場中心6號舖 | 24小時 |
852A2008 | 新界粉嶺雍盛苑雍盛商場地下12號舖 | 24小時 |
852A2010 | 新界粉嶺粉嶺車站路18號粉嶺名都商場2樓39A號舖 | 06:00-24:00 |
852A2011 | 新界粉嶺欣盛苑停車場大廈地下1號舖 | 06:00-23:30 |
852A2017 | 新界粉嶺粉嶺中心商場1樓233E號舖 | 06:00-21:30 | 荃灣 | 852G2001 | 新界荃灣中心第一期高層平台C8,C10,C12舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:class="font7">cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852G2003 | 新界荃灣麗城花園第三期麗城商場地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2004 | 新界荃灣海壩街18號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2005 | 新界荃灣圓墩圍59-61號地下A號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2010 | 新界荃灣兆和街2至4A號周氏大廈地下4號舖 | 06:00-23:30 |
852G2011 | 新界荃灣大窩口村商場C9至10號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2012 | 新界荃灣鹹田街61號石壁新村遊樂場C座地下C6號舖 | 24小時 |
852G2014 | 新界荃灣海壩街102B號卓明大廈地下地舖 | 24小時 |
852G2019 | 新界大窩口港鐵站TWH7及TWH10號舖 | 06:30-23:00 |
852G2021 | 新界荃灣綠楊坊平台P8號舖 | 24小時 |
852GA2001 | 新界荃灣青山道185-187號荃勝大廈地下A2號舖 | 24小時 |
852GA2002 | 新界荃灣德海街富利達中心地下E號舖 | 24小時 | 馬鞍山 | 852FE2004 | 新界馬鞍山富安花園商場中心22號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2005 | 新界馬鞍山耀安村耀安商場116號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2006 | 新界馬鞍山錦英苑商場中心低層地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2008 | 新界馬鞍山頌安村頌安商場1號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2009 | 新界馬鞍山錦泰苑錦泰商場地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852FE2011 | 新界烏溪沙港鐵站大堂2號舖 | 06:00-24:00 | 馬灣 | 852G2015 | 新界馬灣珀林路23號地下 | 07:00-23:00 | 最大體積:class="font7">cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 | 將軍澳 | 852CC2018 | 新界將軍澳景林村景林商場地下6號舖 | 06:00-23:00 |
852CC2020 | 新界將軍澳唐德街1號將軍澳廣場1樓1-007號舖 | 06:30-23:00 |
852CC2021 | 新界將軍澳翠琳購物中心105號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2022 | 新界將軍澳寶琳村寶勤樓110-112號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2023 | 新界將軍澳欣明苑停車場大廈地下1號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2024 | 新界將軍澳明德村明德商場19號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2025 | 新界將軍澳尚德村尚德商場地下8號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2027 | 新界將軍澳唐德街將軍澳中心地下B04號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2028 | 新界將軍澳新都城中心三期都會豪庭商場2樓209號舖 | 06:00-22:00 |
852CC2029 | 新界將軍澳景嶺路八號都會駅商場地下16號舖 | 07:00-23:00 |
852CC2030 | 新界將軍澳景嶺路八號都會駅商場2樓39及40號舖 | 07:00-22:00 |
852CC2031 | 新界將軍澳厚德村商場(西翼)地下G11及G12號舖 | 24小時 |
852CC2032 | 新界將軍澳寶寧路25號富寧花園商場地下10及11A號舖 | 06:00-23:00 |
852CC2033 | 新界將軍澳彩明商場擴展部份二樓244號舖 | 24小時 | 葵涌 | 852D2001 | 新界葵涌景荔徑8號盈暉薈地下G-04號舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積:class="font7">cm 重量限制:5公斤或以下 |
852L2001 | 新界葵涌華星街1至7號美華工業大厦地下B號舖 | 06:30-22:00星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
852LA2001 | 新界葵涌安蔭村安蔭商場1號舖 | 24小時 |
852LA2002 | 新界葵涌梨木樹村梨木商場LG1號舖 | 24小時 |
852LA2003 | 新界葵涌石蔭東村蔭興樓1及2號舖 | 24小時 |
852LA2004 | 新界葵涌青山公路456/458號葵豐樓地下A1號舖 | 06:30-23:00 |
852LA2005 | 新界葵涌梨木樹村梨木商場1樓102號舖 | 07:00-21:00 |
852LB2001 | 新界葵涌葵涌村第一期秋葵樓地下6號舖 | 24小時 |
852LB2002 | 新界葵涌盛芳街15號運芳樓地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852LB2004 | 新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭路77-81號大鴻輝(葵涌)中心第一期地下 | 06:00-22:00星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
852LB2006 | 新界葵涌禾葵里2號葵興商場地下2號舖 | 24小時 |
852Q2001 | 新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭亞洲貨運大廈第三期A座7樓 | 06:00-21:00, 星期六: 06:00-20:00星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
順豐速運OK便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:離島 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間
(星期一至日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 長洲 | 852M2011 | 長洲新興街107號地下 | 06:30-24:00 | 最大體積:30x25x20cm
重量限制:5公斤或以下 | 852M2013 | 長洲海傍路34-35號地下 | 24小時 |
順豐速運OK便利店取件服務 | 服務範圍:澳門 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間(星期一至六,星期日及公眾假期) |
快件限制 | 澳門 |
853A2001 | 澳門倫斯泰特大馬路科英布拉街495號中土大廈地下V舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm 重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
853A2002 | 澳門高士德大馬路蓮莖巷2號地下 | 24小時 |
853A2003 | 澳門黑沙環馬路製造廠巷12-46號地下B舖 | 24小時 |
853A2004 | 澳門馬場大馬路信達廣場第二座地下P0019舖 | 24小時 |
853A2005 | 澳門氹仔海洋花園大馬路726A-810G地下D舖 | 24小時 |
853A2006 | 澳門澳門大學東亞樓(學生宿舍)九樓 | 星期一至五: 08:30-22:30星期六、日、公眾假期: 休息 |
853A2007 | 澳門大堂斜巷4-4B號地下AR/C | 24小時 |
853A2008 | 澳門建興隆地下MR/C | 24小時 |
853A2009 | 澳門氹仔地堡街307至311號泉福新邨'第一期第三座嘉宏閣G座地下 | 08:00-20:00 |
853A2010 | 澳門賈那韶巷12-14號一定好商業中心地下B舖 | 24小時 |
853A2011 | 澳門宋玉生廣場168號及172號東南亞商業中心N及O座地下 | 24小時 |
853A2012 | 澳門氹仔孫逸仙博士大馬路607號海怡花園地下I舖 | 24小時 |
853A2013 | 澳門荷蘭園大馬路85號GF樓B室 | 07:00-23:00 |
853A2014 | 澳門氹仔南京街太子花城,麗新閣,麗亮閣及麗彩閣地下A座 | 24小時 |
853A2015 | 澳門商業大馬路251A至301號,友邦廣場內地下C舖(又名G0舖) | 星期一至六: 07:30-21:30星期日及公眾假期: 休息 |
853A2016 | 澳門國際機場偉龍馬路 , 客運大樓、離境大堂南端 | 08:00-23:00 | 地區 | 點碼 | 地址 | 服務時間(星期一至六,星期日及公眾假期) | 快件限制 | 澳門 |
853A2017 | 澳門巴波沙大馬路第十一街新城市商業中心地下J/T舖 | 24小時 | 最大體積: 30x25x20cm重量限制: 5公斤或以下 |
853A2018 | 澳門火船頭街16號碼頭地下 | 24小時 |
853A2019 | 澳門黑沙環新街288-292號海濱花園第八座地下D舖 | 24小時 |
853A2020 | 澳門公局新市南街7號利斯大廈地下CO座 | 08:00-23:00 |
853A2021 | 澳門林茂海邊大馬路465-471號運順新村地下A座 | 24小時 |
853A2022 | 澳門祐漢新村第二街24號黃金商場地下R座 | 24小時 |
853A2023 | 澳門氹仔偉龍馬路澳門科技大學教學大樓C座C106室 | 星期一至五: 07:30-22:00星期六、日、公眾假期: 08:30-19:30 |
853A2025 | 澳門黑沙環第五街21號及慕拉士大馬路143號激成工業中心第一期地下 | 24小時 |
853A2026 | 澳門連勝利 65-65-B號 金禧大廈地下B座 | 24小時 |
853A2027 | 澳門橫琴島澳門大學居易大道S24座G003室 | 24小時 |
853A2028 | 澳門氹仔島南部遊艇碼頭鄰近西堤圓形地,百老匯酒店商鋪E-G 035A | | | |